"Whaley warned congregants to lie to investigators about abuse incidents"; sound familiar?
AP link:
"whaley warned congregants to lie to investigators about abuse incidents"; sound familiar?.
ap link:.
"Whaley warned congregants to lie to investigators about abuse incidents"; sound familiar?
AP link:
so we all know how the organization conducts itself regarding child abuse.
the multitude of legal cases worldwide including the current australian royal commission as well as anecdotal accounts prove their attitude.. perpetrators have not been reported to authorities, and data bases of such have been kept sealed even when demanded by the courts!.
however, when it comes to those of us who have simply left the organization due to learning the truth, the society spares no effort in spreading gossip and ensuring that one's name and reputation is ruined.. so gb, which crime is worse?
there is a GB member/s who is actually a paedophile
There was, Ted Jaracz. He's gone now, but he set the policies in motion re: child abuse that the current GB have inherited. Also, the current GB were all appointed under his tutelage, even later ones like Sanderson who was allowed to rise in the org when TJ was still alive, after Sanderson had begun partaking of the emblems. No doubt TJ would have told members like Lösch to give the eventual green light to those GB members appointed after TJ died. Therefore, all the current GB members still venerate TJ and his decisions. After all, they are on the GB due to him. This also helps to explain why they are so slow to initiate change on this child abuse matter—only when Caesar's law and the media threaten them, and the WTS lawyers tell them that they have to.
There have been threads at this forum on TJ's proclivity for girls. Use the search feature if you'd like to track them down.
i was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
tech49: you are correct. A strong precedent has been set and lawyers are lining up to find as many sexually abused (ex-) JWs as they can and milk the WTS dry. Given the org's financial problems, these lawyers must be having considerable success.
smiddy: I can understand that certain abused people would get tired of the long process of a legal route for recompense and just settle out-of-court, especially with the way the WTS tries to wear them down with long, slow appeals and so on. If a person was a victim, likely the person would want to not go all through the experience again in giving testimony, so is often willing to get some kind of financial recompense and just move on in life.
february 26, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: witnessing in public places.
february 25, 2017 to all congregations re: magnetic boards and posters for public witnessing.
Thanks for the links. There's a lot to digest here. Clearly they are afraid of legal threats. Also notable is the fact that they are apparently recognizing the "silent" feature of those manning the carts/booths is not working. Now they are saying to initiate conversation if someone approaches, smile, and make eye contact. That's a real change.
so we had this posted in the mega topic thread... wt: warwick world hq tour brochure.
the new world headquarters of jws, located at warwick, new york, will open for tours on monday, april 3, 2017.. in anticipation, a new eight-page glossy brochure about this facility has now been released:.
download pdf: https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_cmsassets/70/fo_s-whq_e.pdf.
Thanks for the info and links. So if a man shows up for a tour without a suit and tie, what will happen? What's if it's an interested person who doesn't "know better"?
just wanted to thank everyone so much for all your responses to my first post.
i am overwhelmed by all the replies and supportive comments that came through overnight while i was asleep here in aussie land!.
i will absolutely endeavour to reply to each one individually but it will take some time as there are a lot to go through.
freddo, thanks for the insight re: the "circuit heavies." It is only reasonable that some WT heavies must be talking about this. Especially COs/appeal committee members who will have dealt with child abuse issues more than the average elder.
was out side a jdubs house while they were playing kingdom songs.
this is how the conversation went.. me: did you realize that one of their kingdom songs was a copy from the jurassic park theme song.. jdub: where did you find this.
me: hey i've got the down load to the movie, and that theme song has a striking resemblance to that song you just played.
Jdub: so afraid!
logging on to the user area access today, there appeared a message saying that they now require a postal and physical home address to attach to your profile, with a note saying that the branch may change the details as they see fit.
this raises several questions in my mind:.
why would they need to have your physical address on file?.
Give them the pope's address in Vatican City.
i know this was probably covered before in some post, but i was curious.
what is the jw stance on recreational marijuana use in the states where it has been legalized?.
i would suspect smoking it, like cigarettes, would probably still be against the rules, but there are ways to use it that aren't damaging to your lungs.
Can you imagine Stephen Lett high? How bizarre would that be?
my parents got the “truth” while i was in primary school.
i was baptised at 14. i loved school and was extremely studious.
doubtfull1799, thanks for the post. I PMed you. To access this, if you don't yet know, up at the top of the page there is a little envelope by your name that turns green when you have mail. I'll wait for your response.
So is the 1799 from the bizarre dating scheme that CT Russell considered so important?