Lost in the fog,
The head of the legal dept. at Patterson, Philip Brumley, was sent to law school by the org. Yep, they paid his way and it was his official assignment. He talks about how "dangerous" it was for him while he was there in an official JWdotorg video. Plenty of other WT lawyers converted after they'd passed the bar. In the USA it's a large enough group that they used to have their own independent conventions where, among other things, sisters could get up and give real stand-alone talks. That group, called Theocratic Attorneys and Doctors (TA&D), was shut down by GB I.
RF mentions the group in passing in his CofC book. Hal Flemings used to be the one who organized their annual conventions. They even had their own journal and meeting programs. If you go to the website of this Witness lawyer, Steve Popko, you'll see in the lower right under "Awards & Rankings" that he was once the editor of the TA&D journal.
Hope this helps.