What I mean is how are they "found"? It seems like a major change in this regard has taken place from CTR's time till today. Back then it seemed they were just looking to find them by drawing anyone out of the churches and into association with Russell and the Bible Students.
I've been out for decades. When I was in, Fred Franz's theology ruled in everything. He taught that all of the remnant had been found before 1935 and were all already in the Witness fold. The only way one could get into the chosen group after '35 was if one already in proved unfaithful and had to be replaced, a supposedly rare occurrence.
Then when there were so few of these self-professed anointed males left, they had to change their policy or they'd have no ultimate, final-say leadership. It looks to me like the policy has come about that the only way such ones are now "found" is if they are already in the full-time service for most of their lives, always been loyal yes men, and suddenly start partaking of the emblems at the Memorial. Isn't that the case for all those now on the GB? So then isn't that how they are now "found"?
I'd be happy to be corrected here if I've got anything wrong here.