Yesterday late morning, I saw at least 6-7 out going D-2-D in a suburb close to a city. I was driving too fast to count beyond that. Earlier this month I passed two KHs in another city, about 10 miles apart, with plenty of cars in the respective parking lots/car parks mid-morning, so I suppose they had groups out in the field ministry.
That said, I had not seen them out for some months, in fact, since late last summer, when I spoke for a while with 5 of them going D-2-D in yet another large city. I had some fun, asking about their KH. I was told that it was going on the market and that their cong, one of the oldest in the city, had been reassigned to a KH miles away, way out in the suburbs. I asked what the organization was going to do with the money from the hall's sale and was told it was going overseas to help Witnesses in a poor land build a KH. I toyed with the idea of pressing the matter but decided not to.
Beside the "cart witnessing" and people just not converting much, do you think that the rising average age of them is decreasing the D-2-D work? Assemblies and KHs are so full of old people now. Surely that means fewer and fewer hours in the D-2-D ministry than those same diehards used to put in when they were younger.