Probably right, Vanderhoven. Especially if he starts to receive hate mail, or worse.
Again, the org really should have anticipated that placing him in such an open situation is a big risk, but unless they have plans in place that are more covert, it seems they've left him to fend for himself.
Then again, the GB don't believe they've done anything wrong and are mainly protected from the backlash from their policies so may have underestimated the potential danger. Seems crazy after what happened in Hamburg, but it could be complacency.
Does the GB ever admit they have done wrong? That is outside their realm of thinking. Also, given the current mentally limited nature of the GB membership, do you really think that they could connect the dots here? That is, do you really think they could see that what happened in Hamburg might happen to AM III? I don't. They are just too daft for that.
Perhaps you are attributing to them too much intelligence? They are stupider than normal people, don't you think? "Underestimated the potential danger" indeed!
BTW, Journeyman, I enjoy your posts, so please don't take this note as a personal attack.