My list pretty much stays the same as it was 6 years ago.
I haven't listened tp much of Prince lately though.
I could add in some Judas Priest, Motley Crue and Talking Heads.
mr. flipper here again gang!
so who do ya like all time?mr.
flippers list is as follows, almost in this way.
My list pretty much stays the same as it was 6 years ago.
I haven't listened tp much of Prince lately though.
I could add in some Judas Priest, Motley Crue and Talking Heads.
would you convert to islam if they were holding your head on a ax block, ready to swing the ax or sword to cut your head off?
we know there are people who died for their political and spiritual values, would you convert to islam to avoid death?
for atheists, can you justify conversion to preserve life since there is no life after death?
If such a scenario presented itself, my first though would be: What the hell am I doing in the middle east?
Oh darn, Satan is really persecuting them with a neighbor that would put up such a sign!
Yeah... that's just a dick move.
the influx of new posters made me wonder if the push to view is helping curious ones find this support site?.
please post whether you found jwn during an internet search or if someone told you about it.. i myself was directed here by a df'd family member once i shared my doubts with that person..
When I left I still believed it was all true. It was quite a few years later before I realized it was all bunk. I had taken some college classes and there was a lot of things learned that made me raise an eyebrow. When I read CoC and found out that 607/1914 is a big sham it was a huge relief and the final straw I needed.
I guess i have the WT to thank since they were always pointing out how everyone else is wrong. Well, when I found out they are wrong as well, no need to keep looking. Especially when I only see the bible as a rather lousy mythology book now.
scientist and atheist richard dawkins has admitted he does celebrate christmas - and enjoys singing traditional christmas carols each festive season.. the writer and evolutionary biologist told singer jarvis cocker that he happily wishes everyone a merry christmas - and used to have a tree when his daughter was younger.. dawkins, one of the most famous atheists in the world, was interviewed by sheffield born cocker when he stepped in as a christmas guest editor on radio four's today programme.. 'i am perfectly happy on christmas day to say merry christmas to everybody,' dawkins said.
'i might sing christmas carols - once i was privileged to be invited to kings college, cambridge, for their christmas carols and loved it.. read more: ?.
Atheists don't celebrate Christmas! We wage a constant war on it.
Fox News tells me this.
It really needs to be accompanied by the 2001 A Space Odyssey theme song.
waisted days and waisted nites.. freddy fender..
Nine Inch Nails- Head Like A Hole
for crying out loud - it was just a typo - millions now living will never diet.
Sounds like the infamous Watchtower cover: The OVERLAPPING Generation That Will Never Pass Away.