Update to Rio Rancho, NM Kingdom Hall
by Newly Enlightened 43 Replies latest watchtower scandals
All that room and they just had to build right in front of his house? Nice.
The placement of that KH right in front of the disabled man's window is the epitomy of the JW attitude & mindset. "We are the true religion and better than you worldly people and we have no regard for you because you will soon be destroyed". Absolutely disgusting the selfishness showed here. So many other possibliies of where to place that KH that would have looked better and saved the man's view. This is pitful.
Thanks Newly Enlightened for your coverage of this and posting this picture that tells the true story. At first I thought it was a simple land owner has the right to build on the property despite the objections of blocking a neighbor's view issue. This is clearly not the case. The JW's had plenty of room to build in such a way as to get their needs out of the property and not devalue the neighbor's property. The scumbags ruined that man's property.
this is such a non-story. The witnesses had the plot of land much earlier, long before the Murah family bought theirs. The witnesses can do whatever they like with their plot. Even if they wanted a to build a skyscraper it is their right to do so. All their paperwork was right.
This family was just fooled by their real estate agent. There was no view stolen. If they wanted a secured view they had to buy another plot of land without neighbours in front of their view.
itKH - it might be a non-story if not for two factors:
1. The family approached the people in charge of the building project and discussed the issues. The head JWs apparently had no problem adjusting things to make sure his view wasn't ruined. They had a handshake agreement that they'd leave the view unobstructed.
2. The JWs are CONSTANTLY bragging about what good neighbors they are (both litterally and figuratively). I've heard dozens of stories from the platform about how a "good wittness" was given during the KH project because they worked with the surounding homeowners to make sure that any concerns where addressed (even though they weren't legally required to). Stories are told of how they've repaired the neighbor's fence (even parts that don't border the KH property) or repainted houses or whatever. This story flys in the face of all that, and is a clear example of the truth that this is not the most loving organization on earth, but just made up of good and bad people alike.
@Oneeyedjoe the handshake agreement rumor is only based on hearsay
Even if they'd had no agreement, I'd be surprised to learn that the family made up the story of talking to those who were doing the building project. If they'd talked to them, then it's the same because there's no good reason not to move the KH in order to be the good neighbors they always claim to be.
this is such a non-story,
I disagree. I thought it was a non-story also, until I seen the layout of the land and where the JW's decided to built their community cult training center. I'm not even going to comment on any agreement made between any JW's and the family, because I think the JW's lie through their teeth to "worldly people". The main point is only a complete asshole who has absolutely no regard for others would place a building right where these JW's placed their's when the land gave them so many other options that would have looked nicer and kept everyone's property value & enjoyment of life. I absolutely hate this disgusting cult. You look at this religion from any angle and storyline and it is absolutely disgusting.
P.S....And I'm a former elder of this disgusting cult, and that fact I am terribly ashamed of.
inside theKH: this is such a non-story
Unless you are Jim Murah.
I'm guessing by your callous attitude you are still an active JW, insidetheKH ?
Can you honestly look at that photo and say the JWs had no other options as to KH placement? Really?
Are these big areas of land already sub-divided to have a whole slew of houses, ultimately filling the whole area ? then, any good view would be short lived?.
Are there mountain vistas near or far?
far more anoying will be the constant traffic, during the special organized ORG campaigns, and the supposedly quiet family weekends.
Did the first buyers not see that they were closest to a lot potentially zoned 'commercial', no bargain, the lower property would have been a wiser choice.
Here it is reported that wt (or other wealthy insiders) want to buy up properties around KHs. may be this NM is a cold hearted ploy to come into some fire-sale priced deal.?