But, but, but, but.......Jesus!
JoinedPosts by Spectre
Top Scientist descent from Creationism
by Coded Logic inhttp://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309064066&page=25.
Evolution and spirits
by Chris Tann inas of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
Penn & Teller had a good episode on their show B.S. about this subject I'd recommend watching.
Everyone who I've personally known that has told me about having some mystical encounter has also been in a mental institute at some point in their lives. Just saying.
Come with me, back to the 1980s--you know want to.
by FlyingHighNow ini don't know about ya'll, but i did not appreciate the 1980s enough.
i was too busy lamenting how different they were from the 1960s and 1970s to bask in and appreciate how wonderful they were.. this is 80s music, especially new wave music, and 80s fashion and culture appreciation thread.
what did you love about the 80s?
Safety Dance was by Men Without Hats (I think).
Come with me, back to the 1980s--you know want to.
by FlyingHighNow ini don't know about ya'll, but i did not appreciate the 1980s enough.
i was too busy lamenting how different they were from the 1960s and 1970s to bask in and appreciate how wonderful they were.. this is 80s music, especially new wave music, and 80s fashion and culture appreciation thread.
what did you love about the 80s?
I can do without the 80's mullets.
Otherwise, great music. I like a weird mix between new wave and metal from the era. Bow Wow Wow still remains a favorite. I'd also say that Motley Crue's music has held up well on the metal side.
I really love that youtube exists. I can spend hours watching some of the great 80's guitar players talk about their guitars, show how to play certain riffs in songs and what-not.
Did it bother you that they taught, "miss a meeting and you'll fall away?"
by Wasanelder Once inhow many times did we hear that if we dont attend meetings we will leave the truth because satan will get ahold of us?
that always bothered me.
i thought, "if my faith isn't able to stand alone what good is it?
Yeah, it bothered me. It was also funny how they taught that if you stopped going you would soon be "in darkness" and not be able to comprehend the bible or anything the wt said.
When I hadn't gone for a while and then did a written review (do they still do those?) and got most of them right because I hadn't forgotten the past 20 years of going to the meetings, I kind of thought that it might all be bs.
What will you do to celebrate Oct 2 2014?
by jwfacts inlike most people reading this, i was convinced that by 2014 the new system would 'definitely' have been operating for at least a decade.
now that i know this is not going to be the case i am going to have to think of some way to recognise 100 years of wts let downs and failed predictions.
there is no point fretting over the past so i think it will be a good time to celebrate.
I am so lazy. I never made my billboard sign.
What is the wackiest or strangest teaching that Witnesses adhere to?
by stuckinarut2 ini guess there are many, but what would be the strangest teaching, or "wackiest" ?.
I don't think they've touted the pre-flood "cloud canopy" in a while. But that was always a wacky one. Regardless, you'd probably get a talking to by the elders if you said anything against that idea.
Do You Regard President Obama In The Same Way As You Did BEFORE The Election?
by minimus inlately, even late night comedians are starting to make fun of the president.. i hear more negatives about the president than ever before---even from his own voters.. (i had high hopes for him when he beat mccain but since then, i believe the president has been a huge disappointment)..
But Berengaria, don't you remember that Obama was only allowed to "blame it on Bush" for about 5 minutes into his presidency? Maybe tonight we'll get to see McCain complain about that again.
Do You Regard President Obama In The Same Way As You Did BEFORE The Election?
by minimus inlately, even late night comedians are starting to make fun of the president.. i hear more negatives about the president than ever before---even from his own voters.. (i had high hopes for him when he beat mccain but since then, i believe the president has been a huge disappointment)..
After the fiasco of Pres. Bush, I didn't care if Obama didn't do a thing but give us a breather. Other than health care, he hasn't done much but how can he with the do nothing congress we have?
Besides, Pres. McCain? Pres. Romney? Really?
My JW mom is now willing to "listen" to our side...Need advice pls
by 2pink inmy husband and i (both born in jws with extended family all "in" except for one of my sisters who left when we did) left the church 5 years ago.
we did not fade, we just didn't believe it anymore, told our families so and left.
obviously, big drama in our family after this, messy feelings, etc.
I've noticed a lot of ex-jws having their one issue.
For some it seems they would still be a jw but they found out about molestation cover ups and left.
Others have their one scripture that they found was misquoted and left.
Some read a science book and found the jw line of thinking a bunch of hooey.
I left thinking it was still "the truth" but when I found out about 1914 it resolved all remaining belief in me.
I guess I'm saying that I'd approach it from the angle that there are multiple reasons to leave and they are all good.
Now my arguement against the jws is that this is the year 2014 and its a dead religion. Every reason I heard while growing up that its the true religion has run its course and proved wrong. The generation that would not die is dead and any talk of "overlapping generations" is a bunch of nonsense.