(In response to Perry "900 Top Scientist Sign Statement Skeptical of Macro-Evolution")
The following scientific organizations reject creationism:
National Academy of Sciences:
"Creationism, Intelligent Design, and other claims of supernatural intervention in the origin of life or of species are not science"
""Intelligent design" creationism is not supported by scientific evidence."
American Association for the Advancement of Science:
"[T]he lack of scientific warrant for so-called 'intelligent design theory' makes it improper to include as a part of science education."
"The current controversy surrounding the teaching of evolution is not a scientific one."
American Association of University Professors:
"Such efforts run counter to the overwhelming scientific consensus regarding evolution and are inconsistent with a proper understanding of the meaning of academic freedom."
American Astronomical Society:
"“Intelligent Design” fails to meet the basic definition of a scientific idea: its proponents do not present testable hypotheses and do not provide evidence for their views that can be verified or duplicated by subsequent researchers."
American Chemical Society:
"urges... State and local education authorities to support high-quality science standards and curricula that affirm evolution as the only scientifically accepted explanation for the origin and diversity of species."
American Geophysical Union:
"Advocates of intelligent design believe that life on Earth is too complex to have evolved on its own and must therefore be the work of a designer. That is an untestable belief and, therefore, cannot qualify as a scientific theory."
American Institute of Physics:
""For this reason, we do not endorse teaching the "evidence against evolution," because currently no such scientific evidence exists. Nor can we condone teaching "scientific creationism," "intelligent design," or other non-scientific viewpoints as valid scientific theories."
American Psychological Association:
"For a theory to be taught as science it must be testable, supported by empirical evidence and subject to disconfirmation. Thus, intelligent design lacks a basis in science."
American Society of Agronomy:
"Intelligent design is not a scientific discipline and should not be taught as part of the K-12 science curriculum. Intelligent design has neither the substantial research base, nor the testable hypotheses as a scientific discipline."
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:
""Intelligent design" is not a theory in the scientific sense, nor is it a scientific alternative to the theory of evolution. ..."intelligent design" might be appropriate to teach in a religion or philosophy class, but the concept has no place in a science classroom and should not be taught there."
Botanical Society of America:
"The proponents of creationism/intelligent design promote scientific ignorance in the guise of learning. As professional scientists and educators, we strongly assert that such efforts are both misguided and flawed, presenting an incorrect view of science, its understandings, and its processes."
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology:
"Arguing that evolution is "just a theory," rather than a fact,
they insist that intelligent design should be offered as an
alternative to evolution or given "equal time", and that schools
should "teach the controversy" surrounding evolutionary
theory. FASEB does not support these views. We also affirm that
these positions seriously undermine science education."
National Association of Biology Teachers:
"Scientists have firmly established evolution as an important natural process. ... Explanations or ways of knowing that invoke metaphysical, non-naturalistic or supernatural mechanisms, whether called “creation science,” “scientific creationism,” “intelligent design theory,” “young earth theory,” or similar designations, are outside the scope of science and therefore are not part of a valid science curriculum."
National Center for Science Education:
"So-called "evidence against evolution" or "weaknesses of evolution" consist of the same sorts of long-discredited arguments against evolution which have been a staple of creationism since the 1920s and earlier."
National Science Teachers Association:
"Claims by proponents of these views have been evaluated and discredited based on scientific evidence. These claims have no empirical power to explain the natural world and its diverse phenomena."
"We stand with the nation's leading scientific organizations and scientists, including Dr. John Marburger, the president's top science advisor, in stating that intelligent design is not science.…It is simply not fair to present pseudoscience to students in the science classroom."
Geological Society of America:
"GSA opposes teaching creationism alongside evolution in any science classroom and rejects the characterization of evolution as scientifically controversial."
Global Network of Science Academies:
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
European Society for Evolutionary Biology
Council of Europe:
70'000 scientists and science teachers from Australian Academy of Science, Federation of Australian Scientific and technological Societies, Australian Science Teachers Association:
Reviews in journals:
Here's a list of some other US scientific organizations rejecting 'intelligent design':
Alabama Academy of Science
American Academy of Religion *
American Anthropological Association (1980)
American Anthropological Association (2000)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (1922)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (1972)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (1982)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (2002)
American Association for the Advancement of Science Commission on Science Education
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
American Astronomical Society (2000)
American Astronomical Society (2005)
American Astronomical Society
American Chemical Society (1981)
American Chemical Society (2005)
American Fisheries Society *
American Geological Institute
American Geophysical Union (1981)
American Geophysical Union (2003)
American Geophysical Union (2007) *
American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Physical Society
American Psychological Association (1982)
American Psychological Association (2007)
American Society for Microbiology (2006)
American Society of Biological Chemists
American Society of Naturalists *
American Society of Parasitologists
American Society of Plant Taxonomists *
American Sociological Association
American Statistical Association *
Association for Women Geoscientists
Association of Southeastern Biologists
Australian Academy of Science
Biophysical Society
Botanical Society of America
California Academy of Sciences (1994)
California Academy of Sciences (2007) *
Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (2008) *
Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution *
Committee for the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing
Ecological Society of America
Entomological Society of America *
Entomological Society of Canada (2005) *
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Genetics Society of America
Geological Society of America (1983)
Geological Society of America (2001)
Geological Society of America (2009) *
Geological Society of Australia (2008) *
Geological Society of Australia
Geological Society of London *
Georgia Academy of Science (1980)
Georgia Academy of Science (1982)
Georgia Academy of Science (2003)
History of Science Society
Idaho Scientists for Quality Science Education
Indiana Academy of Science (2006)*
InterAcademy Panel
Iowa Academy of Science (1981)
Iowa Academy of Science (1986)
Iowa Academy of Science (2000)
Kansas Academy of Science
Kentucky Academy of Science
Kentucky Paleontological Society
Louisiana Academy of Sciences (1982)
Louisiana Academy of Sciences (2006)
National Academy of Sciences (1972)
National Academy of Sciences (1984)
National Academy of Sciences (2007)
New Mexico Academy of Science
New Orleans Geological Society
New York Academy of Sciences
North American Benthological Society
North Carolina Academy of Science (1982)
North Carolina Academy of Science (1997)
Ohio Academy of Science
Ohio Math and Science Coalition
Oklahoma Academy of Science (1981) *
Oklahoma Academy of Science (1999) *
Oklahoma Academy of Science (2007) *
Pennsylvania Academy of Science
Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists
Philosophy of Science Association
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada — Ottawa Centre
Royal Society
Royal Society of Canada
Royal Society of Canada, Academy of Science
Sigma Xi, Louisiana State University Chapter
Society for Amateur Scientists
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Society for Neuroscience
Society for Organic Petrology
Society for the Study of Evolution (original)
Society for the Study of Evolution (revised) *
Society of Physics Students
Society of Systematic Biologists
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (1986)
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (1994)
Southern Anthropological Society
Tallahassee Scientific Society
Tennessee Academy of Science *
Tennessee Darwin Coalition
Texas Academy of Science *
The Paleontological Society
Virginia Academy of Science
West Virginia Academy of Science