You should see their addies when you get cards from them. You can then send them cards, late but with a good reason.
JoinedPosts by Woodsman
I Feel So Bad.....HELP
by Sunspot ini was so disappointed when i saw that my pm bin had been emptied of something that i wanted desperately to keep!
i have never paid much attention to when the pms get the axe....i am usually done replying etc within a week or two so and haven't kept track of this.. my problem is......i hade exchanged snail-mail addies with some of the posters here, and we had agreed to send christmas cards.
i didn't write the addies down---cuz i knew right where they were and thought i could retrieve them when the time came......they are gone!.
by AndersonsInfo inif i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
Wife, family, working out, hunting, fishing, boating, college, job, pet snake. My life is my religion. A little gnostic I suppose. I want to contribute in a good way to everyone in my life and to the world. And yes to myself. I think that is the purpose of life. Advancement. I think a human being is the most complex tool ever made. I love tools and think it is a shame when they are not used to their full. Right now it is important to me to use my body and brain to give and get the most out of life.
I disagree. The United Nations Department of Public Information is most certainly a part of the United Nations Organization and they consider the NGOs associated with them to be their NGOs. If they fail to meet their obligations they are no longer the UN's NGOs though as you say they are still NGOs.
The criteria required support for the UN charter which advocates warfare. I don't believe the WTS doctrine supports warfare. Therefore the criteria for association was inconsistent with their doctrine. When I spoke with Bethel about this they acknowledged that.
The criteria reguired publishing positive information about the UN to one's constituents and a wider audience. The WTS did this. Since their doctrine states that they are organized to publish the good news of God's Kingdom this is inconsistent with their doctrine.
The United Nations organization is Political entity. It suffers from corruption like other Political entities. Not every one is in favor of the existence of this Political entity and many want to see it abolished. To publish information in favor of its existence and praising its deeds is a Political stance. Since the WTS's doctrine is that it remain neutral in a political world this violated their doctrines.
I spoke with the NGO department and the WTS on the phone and have no problem making these statements. The WTS did not deny anything I said and the UN verified what I said.
If I might add, it sounds like when you say UN you mean "member nation" where as The United Nations Organization is much larger than just its member nations and yet all these other facets are part of the UN.
Help the Newbie
by confused_101 inhey all i'm sure that this is probably a silly question and maybe i'm just a bit slow (no, not a but could y'all let me know what all the abreviations mean.
i get some of them...jw, dw but like dub, what is that one and any others that are used on a regular basis.
Has God Just Set Us Up For Failure?
by confused_101 inthe fact that in the very beginning god created man and then woman and placed them in the garden of eden, then he told them that they could partake of all the fruits from the trees but that they shouldnt touch his tree.
the tree of knowledgethat is like putting cookies in front of a kid and telling them that they cant eat them.
then he allowed satan to speak to eve (through the serpent) and convince her to eat and then she would know all that was good and bad.
My mom once stated " If the Bible is supposed to be a guide book, why isn't it more like a...."
And I finished with , "Guidebook"?
Just think about how many people and groups have disagreed and even fought over what this one book means.
Even the WTS doesn't agree with the WTS of the 1800s.
If your confused then join the crowd. I think its not you who are confused but "The Book" is.
I heard one comment that the Bible tortures its readers. Isn't that so. How many times do you wonder, " Jesus, why can't you just say what you mean in an intelligent, logical and comprehendable manner. He has some of the brightest minds stumped as to what he meant.
To me this is a fault of the Bible, not the reader.
Perhaps it is because it was not the words of Jesus that were recorded. Perhaps it is because the Bible is not a book but a collection of books, letters and songs. It probably was never meant to be put together in one book. What of all the other letters and books that were not voted in to the canon.
I think you should listen to the man with the cool red hat and look beyond the confines of the Jewish tribal God Yahweh for understanding and contentment in todays world. I like many teachings from the Bible, but not all of them by any means. I also like teachings from other religions and schools of thought. I don't know what will happen in the future but it will be good. The universe has to much beauty in it to not have a good force in the background somewhere.
I checked out your documentation TD, nicely done. I put bookmarks in my copies of those publications. Great info Blondie. I'm new to the site but I can see why your complimented so often.
The WTS's blatant attempt to decieve the rank and file and make it seem that the WTS was pointing to Christ's second presence in 1914 as far back as 1879 is telling. One doesn't need to lie to suppoprt the truth, so what does that say about what they have? It is a lie!
Prophecies and 'end'
by jamesd2004 inhey ya people,.
hope all is well :) i know i havent posted much or atall really so sorry about that im just needing a little help i am i8 years old......., im just wondering because i am curretly friends with jw's and stuff (im not babtised though) and they keep sayng to me about the prohecies in the bible like the bible preticted ww1 to the exact date...religon is going to be banned in the great tribulation (then the end will happen) about the 7 global powers or something, and america now are the last superpower before the world ends, (anglo-saxon or something...) .
i just need help about these...are these true?
Most JWs don't know much of what they believe. They have to believe what the Watchtower Society says, but since they don't study much they don't know their own doctrines. Therefore much of what they believe is rumours that are passed around in JW circles, like predicting WWI for example.
Be careful, if you keep reading about them online you will know more about the JW religion than they do. That is because you have access to information they don't have. Knowledge is power. If anyone tells you not to read certain things or trust your own brain, RUN.