Prophecies and 'end'

by jamesd2004 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jamesd2004

    hey ya people,

    hope all is well :) i know i havent posted much or atall really so sorry about that im just needing a little help i am i8 years old......., im just wondering because i am curretly friends with JW's and stuff (im not babtised though) and they keep sayng to me about the prohecies in the bible like the bible preticted WW1 to the exact date...Religon is going to be banned in the great tribulation (then the end will happen) about the 7 global powers or something, and America now are the last superpower before the world ends, (anglo-saxon or something...)

    i just need help about these...are these true? are they going to happen? or have happend?

    also they say the system isnt goin to gon on much longer like 4 ,5 years they recon..and i get quite scard by this (may sound stupid) but i do

    also my JW's seem to look on the world very this right?

    thanks everyone,

    James :)

  • jamesd2004

    sorry im 18 years old not !8 lol

    cheers james. :) (sorry for my speeling too)

  • GetBusyLiving

    Welcome James! Im on my way home from work, just want to quickly let you know that Jehovah's Witnesses are deluded cultists, the Bible is garbage, and we evolved from apes. Stick around and find out why. Chat with you soon.

    Whatever you do, don't go under the water!!!!


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    wow... where does one start? maybe by asking you some follow up questions:

    what exactly are you scared of?

    are your jw friends pressuring you to get baptised?

    can your friends tell you where in the bible it says that WW1 would come on a certain date?

    where do they get their info that the end will be here within 4 or 5 years? who told them that?

    don't feel stupid for being scared of things like that... it is natural and many people feel the same way as you. i still have nightmares about armageddon and i have an equal fear of God and the Devil

    bethel minute

  • JH
    Jehovah's Witnesses are deluded cultists, the Bible is garbage, and we evolved from apes.

    Haha, you can't find more "apostate" than

    JamesD2004, I differ slightly, cause I do believe in the bible, but nowhere will you find dates in it. The Watchtower likes to keep people scared all the time.

    My reasoning is, if the flood did occur, and if God did kill people in the past like at Sodom and Gomorrah, then logically he will have to do it again, or excuse himself for doing it, but that won't happen.

    No one can say when God will intervene, not even the angels know, so how can the JW's know.

    My advice, go to the bar and have a beer and have fun, cause 1 year for God is 1000 for us.

  • Woodsman


    Most JWs don't know much of what they believe. They have to believe what the Watchtower Society says, but since they don't study much they don't know their own doctrines. Therefore much of what they believe is rumours that are passed around in JW circles, like predicting WWI for example.

    Be careful, if you keep reading about them online you will know more about the JW religion than they do. That is because you have access to information they don't have. Knowledge is power. If anyone tells you not to read certain things or trust your own brain, RUN.

  • kls

    Every religion /cult swears they are the only and true ones to believe. They all will minulate the Bible in their thinking to show they are the one and only, as do the jws. If we go by lies the wt tells and false prophecies then yes , they are truly the one ,but if you asked if anything they have said has really happened ,NO ,so that either makes God a lier or the wt.

  • Honesty

    Hi James,

    As a former Jehovah's Witness, I can assure you that 99% of thier beliefs can not be backed up in the Bible. They are under the control of a group of men in Brooklyn, New York who do not know Jesus. Look around the board and see just what their beliefs consist of. Also, go to and you can see how much their doctrines have gone back and forth over the past 50-60 years. They are like a bunch of drunk sailors in port at Tripoli or Marseilles.

    I am a Christian now and tell you in all sincerety that the JW's do not put faith in Jesus. They are a cult and the leader they follow and adore is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    Bob Evans

    Walland, TN.

  • OldSoul


    GetBusyLiving was having fun with you. Sort of friendly hazing. Many posters here still have a great degree of respect for the Bible and many here believe we were created.

    The fact is, not one of the dozens of prophecies made by Jehovah's Witnesses has ever come true. They do not teach that the Bible foretold WWI, but they do teach that the beginning of the Last Days was in 1914. Until 1922 they taught that the beginning of the last days began in 1874 and that 1914 marked the end of this system of things.

    Later, they moved the date so that 1914 took the place of 1874 and 1925 became the new year for change of world rulership. People who became Bible Students (as the Witnesses were then called) were told that they would never grow old, that within a few short years the old would start to grow young, miraculous healings would occur, people would be getting rid of their spectacles and canes, and soon after, Armageddon.

    In other words, they have been scaring people into their religion with their message of "hope" for over a century now. To be fair, there is currently no Watchtower teaching that says the world will end in a specific year. I don't know where your friends got that idea, probably from an elder telling them that college would not be advisable given how close we are to the end. Whatever the case, the fostering of an ever-present sense of impending judgment is present throughout their teachings.


  • Leolaia
    My advice, go to the bar and have a beer and have fun, cause 1 year for God is 1000 for us.

    Does this mean that God's lifespan is about 75,000 years?

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