I hear you. Been through a lot in my life....and this is the place I escape to in my mind when life becomes overwhelming.
There have always been bad things going on in the world. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't enjoy or remember the good things. As a kid, I had no power to change those things...if I was even aware of them. Remembering the good nurtures the soul.
When we were there, the rest of the world seemed to slip away. There was no electricity....hence no tv or phones. We would drive into town (Ludlow, about 7 miles away...or Weston, about the same distance) every few days, but that was pretty much the only connection with the outside world. Oh... and we'd go to the KH on Sunday....a long drive, in Clermont, NH.
James Woods... I'm so happy for you...that you have a place to get away!