It's been five years and a few months now for me. Congratulations on kicking a nasty habit!
Posts by COMF
I'm not counting my chickens quit yet, but...............
by WildHorses in.
i've been without a cigarette since the night before last.
wish me luck.
by justhuman insince the media in u.s show nothing about the war in iraq, and bush's administration censor everything that is "bad' for the puplic, here are some shocking photos of how bush is setting free the iraqi people.
similar view of how watchtower's god will treat everyone who disagrees with them in armageddon.
bush does not care about the iraqi people.
Can anyone name the only country to ever deploy true Weapons of Mass Detruction ... and on Civilian cities at that?
Sure I can. The same country that by doing so ended WWII.
What would you have done, Simon?
Laws to Protect the Stupid People
by tyydyy inhave you ever noticed how many laws there are to protect the stupid people?
take the seat belt law for instance, smart people know to buckle themselves in.
we are now interfering with evolution by protecting stupid people from themselves.
minimus, that one is to protect the rest of us from the stupid people.
There are men who work where I do, in the IT department of a huge health care organization, who do not know to raise the seat before they urinate. I guess at home they must just sit in their own pee when it's dump time.
Laws to Protect the Stupid People
by tyydyy inhave you ever noticed how many laws there are to protect the stupid people?
take the seat belt law for instance, smart people know to buckle themselves in.
we are now interfering with evolution by protecting stupid people from themselves.
There's the one that requires a warning on cigarette packages.
Could you? Would you?
by Prisca incan you see yourself remarrying (or getting into another long-term defacto relationship) if your partner died?
i'm not talking about the usual situation where people get divorced, but if your partner died, and you suddenly found yourself single again?.
could you handle it emotionally?
I'm supremely happy with my life the way it is now (close friends, no monogamous commitment). No reason to change what's working just fine.
A Letter from someone who was there...
by joannadandy inthe following is a letter i recieved in e-mail.
i want to share it because it is from someone i have had the pleasure of hearing lecture while in school (he is a friend of one of my professors), dr. david hilfiker, (very reputable, please feel free to do a search of his work here is one of many links i can offer
Hiya, KCO!
But... I guess if you dont like the current government, much like with the JW, you can just go somewhere else. *shrugs*
(Merle Haggard's "Walkin' On The Fightin' Side of Me" starts playing as background music:
If you don't love it, leave it;
let this song that I'm singing be a warning )So we're back to that again after all these years, eh? Silly me, imagining that that precious concept "freedom" which is propounded as the main reason for this war had something in it about being free to disagree with the aims and methods of the government, and free to point out its errors, and free to attempt to change them. Guess not, after all...
Tell me what other option we have?
Let the UN finish its business. Cooperate with our neighbor countries. Function as a team instead acting like the big bully on the block. What was going to happen in three more months that made it so imperative that we piss off the entire world by scoffing at them and acting alone?
We can bitch and moan all we like but that wont change a thing.
I'm not bitching and moaning. Neither am I swearing blind allegiance to a man or group of men because of their office of authority.
The only thing to do is support the troops that are over there and wish them well
Supporting the troops and wishing them well is far different from saying "we need to back [Bush] up in his decisions." Of course I wish the troops well. I also wish the Iraqis well. I'd like to see the best possible outcome from this, but I don't expect it.
Would you be able to kill?
by JH in.
how would you feel if you had to go to war and kill people?
would your spiritual background stop you from doing this, or would you see this as a patriotic thing to do?
The meek inherit six feet of earth over their faces.
Depends on how you define "meek".
I have no interest in violence. Some of the people I grew up with considered it almost a recreation... weekend drunken brawls for the sheer fun of it. I was not among them.
I also do not respond well to poorly explained causes propounded by spin doctors appealing to vague concepts which have no connection with the intended action--such as aggression in the name of "freedom"--and so would make a poor soldier.
However, as soon as I perceive a genuine threat to me or anyone I hold dear, the lives of those doing the threatening are in jeopardy. I don't have any compunction about killing someone under those circumstances. And, since I'm not a lover of violence, my interest is in having it be over as quickly and cleanly as possible. Not good news for those who would make me or mine the victims.
A Letter from someone who was there...
by joannadandy inthe following is a letter i recieved in e-mail.
i want to share it because it is from someone i have had the pleasure of hearing lecture while in school (he is a friend of one of my professors), dr. david hilfiker, (very reputable, please feel free to do a search of his work here is one of many links i can offer
pr, you know I love you, man. Nothing personal in this, but...
he is still the leader of the free world, and we need to back him up in his decisions.
Dude, that is pure JW-speak. Obey without question, because of the office of authority. Never again, man. Not for anybody. No human being is ever that right.
The President declares war on Canada....
by Xandria inyep, he took the term moron a little hard and he has decided to close the borders...and april fools.
you want to laugh see the movie canadian bacon.. .
i found this movie to be rather hilarious in a political sense when i first saw it, but now the current situation with bush and the us just adds onto its charm.
When I was a kid in school, we had to know all 50 States and their capitols........did Americans ever learn anything about Canada when they were in school........doesn't appear that way.
Study on it. Meditate a while. It'll come to you.
Dallas: Saturday night late notice: live music!
by COMF inmy band, broken code, is playing tonight (saturday, 3/29) at joe's crab shack on highway 75 in plano.
free admission.
we crank up at 9:00 and play til whenever.
My band, Broken Code, is playing tonight (Saturday, 3/29) at Joe's Crab Shack on Highway 75 in Plano. Free admission. We crank up at 9:00 and play til whenever. If you have nothing better to do, come on out and let us rock you.
Joe's Crab Shack
3320 N. Central Expressway
Plano, TXPhone: 972-423-2800
(Edited for PS): Sorry for the last minute notice. I keep forgetting to tell everybody.