have you forgot the truth? peep Revelation 8:13.
"woe, woe, woe!"
have you forgot the truth? peep Revelation 8:13.
"woe, woe, woe!"
Woe, woe, woe!
it is so easy to underestimate the enemy.every day in every part of the world, we are affected by terrorism.especially after 9-11, we were more aware and vigilant of the possible dangers that we might encounter.
now, the newest threat could be snipers.
imagine if suddenly , in every state or country, a sniper slyly attacked the innocent.
aren't we thankful that God's kingdom will put an end to terrorism. trust in God and it'll be alright.
vatican decided to strike down us bishop deecision about how too handle pedophiliac priests.
what yall boys think bout that?
aint you being a little generalizing? just cause some jw might be pedophiles dont mean that all or every other jw is a pedophile.
earlier you said you thought the nameless one was an ex jw. make up mind of yours.
vatican decided to strike down us bishop deecision about how too handle pedophiliac priests.
what yall boys think bout that?
you wont say dat when the wts come after you. and methanks you need to get outta the policing business. the nameless one done run circles round you. you wrongly think the nameless one is dunscot. you believe the nameless one a ex jw. wrong again. wanna make another mistaken guess? let see. next you gonna think i's a man.
vatican decided to strike down us bishop deecision about how too handle pedophiliac priests.
what yall boys think bout that?
i not sure catholics show enough concern for molested children. we need to hear a little bit more from vatican.
the nameless one is used to hanging out with good ol boys. jest think of "boys" as a geeneric term.
what dinner got to do with the vatican?
cant say we did not tell you so. LOL.
vatican decided to strike down us bishop deecision about how too handle pedophiliac priests.
what yall boys think bout that?
vatican decided to strike down us bishop deecision about how too handle pedophiliac priests. what yall boys think bout that?
do they still make family movies?
it look like things that get produced these days by holyywood filled with f word, sex, violence, drug use and hurling.
no movies hardly to take your kids to or that a christian can watch.
you still confuse.
$$$What about men selling their brother into slavery? Or two sisters seducing their father to get pregnant? Why are these okay to read about, but someone getting killed on a movie screen is so horrible?$$$
God not approve of selling brother into slavery. he didnt like Lot's daughters having sex with there father either. it is history. things happened and to understand latter events, you need to know about things that preceded latter events. and the story about lot aint explicit. no bad language or graphic descriptions of sex. just history. and the nameless one aint said it horrible seeing somebody git killed on movie screen. but it terrible that 40 or 50 more get killed on movie and they make it as gross as possible, when there aint even a need for violence. it just for shock value. the bible aint like Terminator or The Bourne Identity. no comparison.
do they still make family movies?
it look like things that get produced these days by holyywood filled with f word, sex, violence, drug use and hurling.
no movies hardly to take your kids to or that a christian can watch.
$$$The cases classified as seduction are technically and realistically cases of rape also; the difference is that the girl in question is neither married nor betrothed. Why, in such cases, was not the death penalty invoked? In the former cases, marriage was already contracted; the offense was against both man and woman, therefore, and required death. In the case of a single girl, unbetrothed, the decision rested in the hands of the girls father, and, in part, the girl. If the offender, cited simply as a seducer in Exodus 22:16, 17, and as a rapist in Deuteronomy 22:28, 29, is an acceptable husband, then he shall pay 50 shekels of silver as a dowry and marry her, without right of divorce because he hath humbled her (Deut. 22:29); but If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins (Ex. 22:17). If a man thus is rejected as a husband, the girl is compensated for the offense to make her an attractive wife to another man, coming as she will with a double dowry, his own and her compensation money.
To understand the background of this law, let us remember, first, that the Biblical law-order requires the death of incorrigible delinquents and criminals. The seducer and/or rapist of an unbetrothed girl was thus presumably not an incorrigible youth, although at this point clearly in guilt. No gain was possible from his offense. If he were allowed to marry the girl, he did so without right of divorce, and at the cost of a full dowry. If he were refused, he still had to pay a full dowry to the girl, a considerable loss to his own future.$$$
R.J. Rushdoony, The Institutes of Biblical Law (Nutley, NJ: Craig Press, 1973), pp. 396-397.
have put january 2002 km up on my site, and archived earlier uploads:.
thanks again to dmouse for the scans - he's already sent me all of 2002 so far - it's just a matter of time for me to get them up on my site.
you might hear from society. steph, we urge you to bone up on usa law.