JoinedPosts by twinflame
Curious little game to pass the time
by daystar inhttp://files.deviantart.com/f/2004/188/8/7/gridgame.swf
my best score so far is 1846.. can you deal with that?
can you, huh?
Curious little game to pass the time
by daystar inhttp://files.deviantart.com/f/2004/188/8/7/gridgame.swf
my best score so far is 1846.. can you deal with that?
can you, huh?
There I go, jumping to conclusions. I didn't realize it was a game of luck. I thought I had to try and match them up and thought, 'no freakin' way!'
LOL, I read the post to just click and hope you get lucky and started clicking randomly all over it. My score was 1 the first time.
An Old JW friend has just pissed his life away...
by Sam the Man inwell, a few of you are aware of my situation.
for those that are not, basically i more or less admitted to my wife that i no longer believe (after being raised a dub, bethel 'service' etc) and that led to altercations with her and the elders.
i had a friend in the congreation who, after also being raised a jw, had done none of the things i had, even not been baptised (thats right, not in 30+ years!!!
Well....maybe what you were telling him was giving him serious doubts and he was hoping baptism would cleanse his mind. You can always hope.
Curious little game to pass the time
by daystar inhttp://files.deviantart.com/f/2004/188/8/7/gridgame.swf
my best score so far is 1846.. can you deal with that?
can you, huh?
I almost had a nervous breakdown just looking at the page, let alone trying to play! I must be getting old.
My Personal Ad - Update 11/4 see end of post
by Cygnus insorry i had to start a new topic but the board's software is not allowing me any replies and with all the newer people here they might want to get to know a little about me.. i was raised in a jw household that wasn't terribly strict, but strict enough where i had no worldly friends and wouldn't even consider college or extracurricular school activities.
baptized at 17. that and getting married just after turning 20 stunted me emotionally and i'm still recovering, though i think i'm doing an okay job.. started working in my father's business and pretty much took it over when he retired and moved to florida in 1995.. quit associating with jws in 1997 at age 25. jw wife left me on the advice of the elders, but she came back 5 months later.. grew my hair very long and pierced my ear.. in spring of 2000 two elders came to my house under the pretense of inviting me to the memorial.
" they then informed me that the real reason they were there was to serve me notice that a judicial hearing was being scheduled and i was asked several times to either attend or put something in writing that i was no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.. i chose to attend the hearing.
Nice to meet you Cygnus. I have to agree with Crumpet's comment about the mullet. You look much more handsome now.
NEW-JW field service SOFTWARE
by DannyHaszard innew paid sponsored .20 cent a click-through addy at jw keywords
jw field service software
track your field service activity!.
It was much easier and cheaper doing it my way the last few years I was in.
Hours - 1
That's all it took. No need for all that fancy shmancy stuff.
After Armageddon?
by ScaryHairy inhey, i was wondering what does the society say about after armageddon, (is it you live forever in paradise ?
That's when all the JWs get to go claim the big house they staked out in field service in the snobby neighborhoods.
What was your favorite thing about being a witness?
by dezpbem inwhile i didn't like being a jw there were 1 or 2 good points.
what was your favorite thing about being a jw?.
mine was all the parties and social gatherings we had.
I think I'll jump on Spectre's wagon:
After thinking about it for all of two seconds, put me down in the nothing column.
If there ever was anything, it's long forgotten and lost in the bad stuff.
I got the error yesterday when I was trying to get to the JW roofing article. Maybe it was overrun with demons. Sorry for the dupe. The first one showed it errored out before posting.
Hmmm....I got that error yesterday when I was trying to get to the article about JW roofers. I thought maybe it was that page overrun with demons.