Well, a few of you are aware of my situation. For those that are not, basically I more or less admitted to my wife that I no longer believe (after being raised a dub, Bethel 'service' etc) and that led to altercations with her and the elders.
I had a friend in the congreation who, after also being raised a JW, had done none of the things I had, even not been baptised (thats right, not in 30+ years!!!) He always told me that he was too self conscious to get baptised (this guy has never had a girlfriend, sexual experience, still lives with parents etc). Over the past year or so, I have been discussing my doubts with him, in the hope that I may place doubts in his own mind. All of a sudden contact was lost, and I heard from a third party that he had been warned against speaking with me. All of a sudden, at a recent assembly (not even his district) he has decided to get baptised. Thats right, he has chosen to piss his life away in the WT cult.
What a waste!