Here is a quote from Watch Tower, May 1883. Russell mentions Peters as an old acquaintance and friend, which implies that he had known him for some time. How did the two become acquainted? Peters was a Lutheran minister. If Conley was still the president at that time, and also financed Peters' book, it is possible that Conley introduced Russell to Peters. Russell's endorsement of the book is lukewarm, and perhaps he endorsed it at Conley's request.
Brother G. N. H. Peters, of Springfield, Ohio, is an old acquaintance and friend. He is a believer in the redemptive work of Christ, and hence a Christian brother. He is a believer in the future reign of Christ and the saints, for which cause sake he has suffered the loss of
things--some of the esteem of the nominal church. We regret to have it to state, however, that he is not free from Babylon's shackles, being yet identified with the Lutheran sect--hence has been hindered from a fuller development in grace and knowledge of the word and plan of God than if he stood in the full liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free.
entitled --"THE THEOCRATIC KINGDOM." It treats of the kingdom of God to be established, from the standpoint known as "Pre-millenarian." It gives voluminous reports of the hundreds of views entertained on this subject--advocating in the main the so-called "Pre-millenarian" view. While the author does not ignore the teachings of the Apostles, he lays greater stress and value on the opinions of the "Fathers" (the Christian teachers of the first five centuries) than we could acknowledge as proper.
in advance
to justify, then that will be the price.
it to you more than as above, to briefly state the facts and circumstances, yet if you should conclude to order it or a prospectus of it you should address our brother and friend as above.