I am posting this because it gives the year 1869, which is earlier than 1870 ( which might have been only approximate), when Russell claimed that he heard Jonas Wendell, the Adventist preacher. These views are Age-to-Come views, and as far as I know were NOT teachings of the Advent Christian Church (or Second Adventists). He would have been only 17 years old in 1869, and it is likely that someone that young had a mentor that personally was acquainted with him who influenced him. Could this have been Conley? I do seem to remember a series of articles in the Herald of Life on this subject in 1869.
Anyway, it hints that Russell had a continuing relationship from early on after hearing Wendell with individual(s) who had Adventist connections. Stetson did not appear in Pittsburgh until 1871. I think the members of that early Bible class are the likely candidates. Was Conley a early source of Adventist contacts for the Russells?
From What Pastor Russell Taught, page 327.
This light was lost sight of during the Gospel
age, and now this is the particular thought brought to your
attention, namely: That Christ the head and the Church
his body, is the great anti-typical Moses, the great Prophet
God has been raising up, through which the blessing is to
come to Israel, and through Israel to all the nations (Acts
3:22,23.) Christ is the head, and through the members of
his Elect is to bless Israel and all the nations. When did
this feature of light come to our attention? It came to my
attention in 1869. I was thinking along these lines, seeing
that our friends in the churches were wrong, and seeing
the second coming of Christ was the thing to be expected,
and along about 1873 I got so far as to see that there was
restitution coming to the world, but I did not understand
what restitution meant. I supposed that when the world
was blessed it would come to be in the same sort of
spiritual condition as the Church, and not until 1878 did
the light of that feature come, in respect to the fact that the
Church is to be of a separate and distinct nature, and is to
be used by the Lord in blessing Israel and through them
blessing all the nations.