First a little bit about myself. I'm not a JW. Never have been. But I'm married to a JW lady who is very dedicated to it all. I've pretty much let her do her thing without hassling her. We have young kids, however, and she's got them fully involved in the congregation activities.
The congregation thing in itself doesn't bother me too much. The opting-out of certain school activities kind of does, however. But I've largely gone along with it. I'm still a bit conflicted about this.
Most of all I just want my kids to learn take it all with a grain of salt. I don't mind them going along with all the meeting thing, etc. for now but at some point when they're old enough I want them to be able to decide for themselves what they will want to do. I just want to lay the right groundwork for that time.
Does anyone out there have experience with this?
The fact that I don't go to meetings, etc. while mom and the kids do is still sort of a mystery to my kids. I want to be able to explain to them why I'm not involved, and at the same time build credibility for my position in their minds. Right now all they hear is that not going to meetings is a bad thing.
I really need a plan on a path forward here because just laying low isn't an option anymore.
Thank you for any tips.