please see:
relevant? It just goes to show how deeply emotional abuse and insecurity can run.
good morning guys, i'm a women in love with a jw who does not feel the same way about me!
we have been in this relationship for the past seven years!
i will try to make this short and to the point so as not to bore you ok!
please see:
relevant? It just goes to show how deeply emotional abuse and insecurity can run.
would the passage from new world translation be a miss print....because in the holy bible the word is if god is not capitalized..then what god is the book referring to...because there is only one father and one living god witch is jesus...... .
please help me , because this has been puzzling me...... .
new world translation of the holy scriptures new world translation of the holy scriptures .
similarly, in my illustration, the ants could view Charlie as either "human" or "a human". The addition of the article does not shift the meaning. The main point is that Charlie is human, being of the same nature as "The Human".
Later on, John qualifies himself by suggesting that the Father and Son are to be viewed as "one".
would the passage from new world translation be a miss print....because in the holy bible the word is if god is not capitalized..then what god is the book referring to...because there is only one father and one living god witch is jesus...... .
please help me , because this has been puzzling me...... .
new world translation of the holy scriptures new world translation of the holy scriptures .
Mono-anthropist ants converted to poly-anthropism?
Narkissos, Please excuse my ignorance regarding the meaning of those terms. I have come to highly respect your level of knowledge, having read many of your posts. I just came up with that analogy on the fly as an illustration of my own personal understanding of the verse, which admittedly, is limited due to the fact that I don't know Greek. But I would really like to hear your take on it based on how you and/or other scholars view the meaning of that verse. I feel that this verse most definitely points to the deity of Christ which is a separate topic from the ontological relationship between Christ and the Father.
would the passage from new world translation be a miss print....because in the holy bible the word is if god is not capitalized..then what god is the book referring to...because there is only one father and one living god witch is jesus...... .
please help me , because this has been puzzling me...... .
new world translation of the holy scriptures new world translation of the holy scriptures .
I read from Joseph that Jn 1:1 says "the Word was essentially God to you folks."
Of course a thread like this is not likely to change anyone's hard stance on this.
But what I get from the verse is that it's saying the Word was equivalent to God.
Say I put together an ant farm. The ants knew me as "The human". Then one day I decide to turn my son Charlie into an ant so he can live among the ants, just for kicks. Now my son Charlie, as an ant, causes quite a stir down in the ant farm. After this episode some ant is enlightened about the REAL story about this Charlie character and proclaims to the other ants that in the beginning of that there ant farm, this Charlie character was with "The human"...and in fact Charlie WAS human! No, Charlie wasn't THE HUMAN (that refers to me), but Charlie was HUMAN nonetheless!
mrs. congeniality gave us this: easy math for 586/587, which is a stripped down version of alleymom's kiss method.. the upshot of this reality is that for 607 bc to be correct, a king or kings must have reigned for 20 collective years before jehoiachin's exile (a.k.a.
jeconiah) in 597 bc and be missing completely from the record.. the reason for choosing this date as pivotal is two-fold, (1) the number of years between the exile of jehoiachin and the destruction of jerusalem is known and was entirely covered by nebuchadnezzar's rule, and (2) the time that passed from jehoiachin's release until the restoration is known.. why could not jehoiachin have been exiled in 617 bc as the wts asserts?
because, if that were the case, babylon was destroyed in 559 bc instead of 539 bc.
(2) the time that passed from Jehoiachin's release until the restoration is known.
Can you elaborate on this? By restoration do you mean return from exile? I doubt there is a source that directly references this timespan, but if I'm wrong then it would truly be the "smoking gun".
I'm afraid the "missing" 20 years can only come AFTER Jehoiachin's exile. It couldn't have been before his exile, since his exile began BEFORE the fall of Jerusalem. The fall of Jerusalem occurred in his 11th year of exile (corresponding with Zedekiah's 11th year).
We know that he was released in his 37th year of exile at the accession of Evil Merodach (Jer 52:31).
there are some things i need to prove to my mum, here they are... .
firstly the cuneiform tablet with part of the babylonian chronicle (605-594).
before i discuss this with mum i need to know that this is accepted fact and nothing will change what it says or affect its content.
Does the official Witness tour skip this part?
here in quebec, the roads are horrible.
not only in my town, but the whole province, the road infrastructure is falling apart.. just to give an example... on the street where i live, the road wasn't paved in 40 years.
much of the city is like that, and all you see is pot holes, patches, and huge cracks everywhere.. you'd believe that they don't want to pave just before armageddon....would be a waste of money
I think the roads in Arizona are the best I've seen. ADOT stays on top of things, IMO. Cross over into New Mexico (especially) or California and it's crap.
the watchtower society certainly has had much to say over the years about king nebuchadnezzar destroying jerusalem in the year 607 b.c., and over 6 million loyal followers have accepted their every printed word as if the very finger of god had written it in stone and had handed it directly to editors of the watchtower magazine.
well, it would seem, that someone back in brooklyn doesn't know whether they "are a foot", or "horseback".
over and over, the soceity uses a.k.
understood, Auldsoul.
My point is that when Rockhound, for instance, said:
That such a statement is misleading, in the same manner we accuse the WTS material of being misleading. The fact is, BM 21901 carries no "absolute" date--only the regnal year in which it was written.The BM 21901 actually says Note the date change
It is quite another matter if the WTS represented a certain scholar as advocating their date, when in reality the scholar advocated something else. I would prefer to see an explicit instance of that. Forgive me if I missed it.
the watchtower society certainly has had much to say over the years about king nebuchadnezzar destroying jerusalem in the year 607 b.c., and over 6 million loyal followers have accepted their every printed word as if the very finger of god had written it in stone and had handed it directly to editors of the watchtower magazine.
well, it would seem, that someone back in brooklyn doesn't know whether they "are a foot", or "horseback".
over and over, the soceity uses a.k.
umm, dude, the year isn't actually on the cuneiform tablets. That's why it's bracketed.
hey gang, i have been searching for a way to dent my hubby's mindset on the theology of jws and came across two books by randy watters that i wondered if any of you had found useful.
"refuting jws" and "the truth will set you free".
if any of you have read these i'd appreciate some feedback from you before ordering them.
I've read those books from Randy you've pointed out and I must say they are excellent choices. The "Refuting" book is an expansion of Randy's online Doctrinal articles. There is material in that book that can't be found online. Much of it is really good.
I thought that the "Truth will set you free" book presented a great biblical justification for Christianity without an organization of imperfect men. It goes into all the major doctrines, and gives some very solid reasoning for the "orthodox" position, as well as deflate many of the WTS arguments. It is not a long book, but gives a nicely tied-together summary of WHY an orthodox viewpoint is justified. I would reccommend reading this before the other doctrinal books.
The "refuting" book goes into a greater level of detail on various subjects. It doesn't always give you all the "answers" to refute JWs point-by-point, but gives a good solid background on each topic that the JWs tout as "the Truth". It's a very good reference for a particular topic of study.
"Reasoning from the Scriptures with JWs" by Ron Rhodes is another really great book to look up how to question a JW's position regarding a particular scripture. There are some EXCELLENT questions in that book which I have completely stumped JWs with. Even after they go back to their CD, talk to elders, etc.
So as for doctrine, I would read the following, in this order: "Truth will set you free", "Refuting", "Reasoning from the Scriptures w/JWs", then some of David Reed's verse by verse books.
BUT BEFORE ANY DOCTINAL STUFF, I would reccommend reading "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan. Check out that guide on Randy's site called "how to become an expert in witnessing to JWs" or something like that. It lists Hassan's book as the very FIRST step to follow. I learned the hard way that I would have put myself so much further ahead, spending much less wasted effort, had I started with that book.