For the Windows Media Player folks... Post Appeal Conversation (2.2MB)
p.s. I can't believe he flat out lied about Sean not being there. These guys are gonna reap the whirlwind soon enough.
I can believe it.
Those Machiavellian bastards will justify any lie if it accomplishes their goal.
"Well, you know, we already spoke with Bro. Such-and-such, and he admitted Matt was drinking (underage and out of control) at his party."
Bro. ""MadTiger": Hey, man, I am glad you told the elders the truth when they called you, because I wouldn't want you to catch anything for what Matt did. I am tired of almost getting into trouble for what someone else is doing.
Bro. Such-and-such (with a very sincere, incredulous look on his face): No elder talked to me. What are you talking about?