Hello everyone, been browsing the forum for quite a while now(about a year) and decided its time to post. I'm male, just turned 36 on the first of April, I've been in a the process of fading for about two years now, not that easy having come from a witness family. I've been in doubt about this religion for most of my life, but finally built up the courage to stop going to the meetings, finding out now how big and beautiful this world is and realizing how much I missed out on "real" life!.....I started to fade about the time I was being pushed, yes pushed into becoming a MS. I did not want to have that duty, and I say duty, not "privelege" as they would say because thats what it is, A DUTY! I know many MS's especially in this area that absolutely detest their position and don't want to be there, but they are stuck......About my screen name: I chose this because I take the title of "brother" seriously, unlike most in the organization a brother is someone who you can really turn to in times of need and will honestly help. Anyway just felt the need to finally say HELLO! to all of you. I hope I can be of assistance to some and if not I'll quietly just sit here and read the posts.
1st post, but not new!
by brother 42 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, brother.
So, you didn't enjoy the 'privileges' either.
Howdy, brother and welcome to the forum. Nice to meet you.
a brother is someone who you can really turn to in times of need and will honestly help.
I think you're going to fit in around here. Well done for taking the plunge and welcome to the forum.
Welcome brother
Nice avatar, consider your hand shaken ;)
So when you raise your hand to make a comment, do I refer to you as brother brother, or just brother?
Welcome, Brother.
Nice to meet you. Chime in whenever you want...!
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)
welcome - bro, bru, brudda, hermano
~~He ain't heavy. He's my brother.~~ (singing)