You need to put in practice what Jesus talked about to the Apostles in 2 Timothy 3:5 Contexts: Evil in the last days. Ex-Witnesses or active Witnesses in this forum have embraced the love and kindness of this Man made world under the influence of a dark lord.
You will never be able to reason with the unreasonable that are determined to corrupt the next generation of people through their closed minds. They have twisted every reasonable conception that was taught to them but never learned to understand.
Even Active Witnesses here that continue to pretend by continuing to actively embrace the truth with a lying heart have lost all credibility with God, and have become no more than a stumbling block for those whose love for God in monumental for their spiritual salvation. You people here are fulfilling prophecy knowingly and I bless you for it. In the last days, Spiritual attacks would come from within verses from the outside. I for one am privileged to see that prophecy continue to be fulfilled as in ancient times.
Atheist, Active Witnesses Here, Evolutionist, Skeptics alike, bless you all for fulfilling Revelation 3:16 Context: Message to the church of Laodicea.
Evidence of God does not to be proven just embraced just like Science to the Origin of Life that cannot be proven either.