2) SimonSays, you're an idiot. DATA-DOG
and your a pathetic lying dog, whats your point, thinking by keeping one foot in case it's true
you will be saved. You be the first to go!!!!!!!1
breaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
2) SimonSays, you're an idiot. DATA-DOG
and your a pathetic lying dog, whats your point, thinking by keeping one foot in case it's true
you will be saved. You be the first to go!!!!!!!1
breaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
He also said that cowards won't get everlasting life, at least that's what Jesus says in Revelation. So who would these "cowards" be? Those who become discouraged to the point of being paralyzed, or becoming inactive in the ministry. Those who are too afraid of "Satan's" roars and become doubters. Those who don't stand up for Jeehoober!
A Kinetic interaction. It would be active witnesses as yourself to hide behind the truth aligning yourself with self proclaimed haters of the truth here.
Think, it has been 40 years since ‘god reorganized the organization after so many top officials blasphemed against God just like the israelites of old. Instead of putting trust in the one being that took them out of bondage, they thanked him by worshipping other Gods. People like Raymond Franz, James Peton, Barbara Anderson and all other delusional cretins influenced many to equate the old. 40 years have passed and now Joshua can lead his flock to the Promised Land. For those that didn’t understand 40 years its 1975 the date that sectarians like Ray Franz put doubt on the weak.
However keep laughing, it’s good to have a sense of humor.
sugar water will show blue light over the sun.. salt water will show red light over the sun.. our body components, salt sugar water.. blue blood vein and red blood... definition of our body in his form.. this is the evidence, of our god..
You need to put in practice what Jesus talked about to the Apostles in 2 Timothy 3:5 Contexts: Evil in the last days. Ex-Witnesses or active Witnesses in this forum have embraced the love and kindness of this Man made world under the influence of a dark lord.
You will never be able to reason with the unreasonable that are determined to corrupt the next generation of people through their closed minds. They have twisted every reasonable conception that was taught to them but never learned to understand.
Even Active Witnesses here that continue to pretend by continuing to actively embrace the truth with a lying heart have lost all credibility with God, and have become no more than a stumbling block for those whose love for God in monumental for their spiritual salvation. You people here are fulfilling prophecy knowingly and I bless you for it. In the last days, Spiritual attacks would come from within verses from the outside. I for one am privileged to see that prophecy continue to be fulfilled as in ancient times.
Atheist, Active Witnesses Here, Evolutionist, Skeptics alike, bless you all for fulfilling Revelation 3:16 Context: Message to the church of Laodicea.
Evidence of God does not to be proven just embraced just like Science to the Origin of Life that cannot be proven either.
the latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
We run the very risk of becoming no different than the religious institutions and other hate groups that we speak out against simply because they are prejudice to anyone who is different from them. Have you heard of that ridiculous atheism plus movement, they are so much like a religion in their own right that it is nauseating.
With one minor addition, you people HAVE become the thing you most hate, ex-witnesses are NO different than other hate groups, call it for what it is, and don’t sugar coat this forums intent. Peoples sad attempt by coerciveness to awaken people to your truth is no better than the choice the WTS gave you to even consider reading scripture more so to understand it. If they hadn’t you wouldn’t be here following the same parallels. Terry can attest to that.
the latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
Village Idiot
Those brave white people that helped blacks to escape where a minority and they were violating the law of a nation whose populace in general was pro-slavery.
I guess your attempt is to minimize the abolitionists that were a great many to construct the underground railroad, so don’t put hate in your ideology for those sacrificing so much to help others. Think like a humanitarian not a bitter ex-witness.
the latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
Tell me one example of a where a white man killed by a black man where nothing was done because the perpetrator was black. LisaRose
The only thing utterly ridiculous is your assertion that
blacks are not haters too. You claim that no Black person has gotten away with
murder. I don’t know where you live in this universe, but in America it happens
frequently with black’s private citizen or cop with no consequences. Also Reference Chicago. Self defense is used a much by blacks as do whites. If your assertions is to be color blind, then call it, but don't write that somehow the black race has no faults. White people go before grand juries all the time. Remember Trayvon Martin? Don't argue about race when the question is about the Confederate Flag. A symbol of pride for the South that didn't have any interest in the civil war other than fighting for a cause they felt strongly about, having the federal government tell the State how to live their lives. The distortion of slavery came later, and that's a shame that people only remember the bad, when their were also so many white people in the South helping the Black people to escape to have a better life.
the latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
Whatever it's origins, this flag has been adopted by many racist organizations and people, and so has come to symbolize racial intolerance and hate and is offensive to a great many people. While some may chose to use it and they may have that right, there is no reason for any government to use it in any way.LisaRose
People seem to forget Blacks are also racist. If you’re going to call white people racist, then call it for what it is. We now live in a racist society. All rational is gone. Bigotry is everywhere. I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned this forum and you people as an example of how society is twisted. You call an image hatred, yet you don’t see your own hatred here.
Research the Black movements to understand people like Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan, the group the Black Panthers. Why hasn’t Angela come back after escaping from police custody from Cuba to face the murder charges, for killing a white cop in the 70’s while being a black activist? Blacks are just as guilty as whites. The only difference is when a black man kills a white man in Chicago no one cares because whites don’t advertise it, but when a white person does it, every black caucus including the President gets on board to condemn. Of course this is no excuse for a horrific action, Therefore keep balanced.
The confederate Flag is not the issue or shouldn’t be, if you want to fix something that’s broke like racism, look both ways and admit to the corruption and failure of society that made it so.
Surviving Union and Confederate Civil War veterans on parade in Washington DC in 1939 with both flags flying high in memory of a war that shouldn’t have been but displaying unity of a culture once divided.
the latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
I've read many books. The KKK existed long before Hitler was born. Hitler did not and could have started the ideologies of the KKK. Just because that is true and you got called out on it is no reason for you to take your ball and go home or start calling names= Viviane
Sure I do, you believe that everything you write is fact. That you and you alone have all the answers. I called you on it for that reason, just as you like to belittle people, so will I. So sing it to the choir.
Allow me to clarify a misunderstanding. When I referenced the first slavers, it was the Europeans or 13 colonist that enslaved the Native American First. However Native Americans that attacked a neighboring tribe would keep the defeated as slaves. My point is, Black Americans don’t have a monopoly on slavery. There were many nationalities enslaved by the white man back then.
If you want to help the cause, then concentrate on modern Slavery. That should be the focus even for black Americans.
Racism and Slavery are two different situations. Black Americans have over played the slavery card.
Now the second misunderstanding is the K.K.K. I did not mean the KKK was developed by Hitler or started by Hitler. I was suggesting that the modern ideology of the KKK is driven today by Nazism of having a supreme white race, rather than the KKK of old that was obviously started earlier with slavery. The Confederate cross bar flag and the swastika are the modern emblems of the KKK.
Third, while I agree with the majority on racism, the confederate flag has no special meaning other than those who cherish or distort its past. South Carolina was the first State to seced from the Union. South Carolina was the State that started the civil war in Fort Sumter 1861. The only thing with South Carolina having the Confederate flag flying, it’s the wrong flag. The original war flag is not on the Capitol. The cross bar confederate flag was made exclusively for General Lee and the State of Virginia.
Contrary to popular believe, slavery was not the first reason the civil war started. Even Lincoln stated in his inaugural address ,stated he didn’t want to upset those States that had slavery. It was after the American Union President saw they were losing the war that he included slavery in his declaration in 1863.
America for 5 years was divided into 2 countries, The America North (Union) with President Abraham Lincoln and America South (Confederate) with President Jefferson Davis.
the latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
The KKK existed long before Hitler was born, so no, not right. Viviane
Read a book, and find the fundamentals of the KKK. It was enhanced by Nazi idealist and they continue that trait today, but Viviane you are pointless. I wont waste anymore of my time with arrogance. Just as slavery was brought into the conversation.
the latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
So if I’m reading this right, only America is dysfunctional. Hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
However legislation has been placed for a vote to remove the confederate flag from the State Capitol.. I believe the person that committed this horrible crime stands only with the K.K.K. ideology that was started by Adolf Hitler on wanting to make a master white race. This ideal is echoed throughout Europe and America.
Also the first slavers in American soil were the Native Americans after the 13 colonies settled in, not the African Race that was forced into slavery 100 hundred years later.