Think? Is that what you're doing?
a recent wacktower had hinted that the year 2034 would be the final date for armaggedon.
if armageddon has not arrived by 2035 then will the wts close shop for good or will they simply accuse the past presidents of apostacy and regroup to form another daughter of the tower offshoot baseless religion?.
Think? Is that what you're doing?
the jws at the time in germany where considered part of the aryan race, (since they were not jews).
then things changed for the jws after rutherford mailed a letter to hitler bragging about jehovahs kingdom on earth.. so can we add this to the bloodshed that that the watchtower corp is responsible for?.
Yes I understand your handicap. True to your avatar, black heart.
a recent wacktower had hinted that the year 2034 would be the final date for armaggedon.
if armageddon has not arrived by 2035 then will the wts close shop for good or will they simply accuse the past presidents of apostacy and regroup to form another daughter of the tower offshoot baseless religion?.
First off 2034 was orchestrated by you people, not the WTS. Second, let your ideology out while you still can, don’t worry, Government will close the WTS soon enough for you all? But then again, it will close all religion as well. So the only people that will enjoy life for a short time will be atheist and evolutionist. Any converts, think about it before the figure pointing starts.
the jws at the time in germany where considered part of the aryan race, (since they were not jews).
then things changed for the jws after rutherford mailed a letter to hitler bragging about jehovahs kingdom on earth.. so can we add this to the bloodshed that that the watchtower corp is responsible for?.
No, no. If they’re going after the truth, they need to understand what was going on with religion throughout the globe at that time.
The focus on Bible Students and Jehovah’s Witnesses is just an underline niche compared to other religions and it’s time people here begin to understand, if they’re going to have a political debate that this 2 factions didn’t have? Then, they also need to understand the atrocities other religions had by condemning Students and Witnesses. The conversation here has not even scratched the surface. Perhaps someone in Rome can convince the Vatican to open up their book vaults to research the history correctly. I have already mentioned it once.
Will they ever admit that some church fathers pointed out bible students and other religious factions in order to keep the Gestapo happy with the Vatican?
Find someone who was there like I did, get first hand experiences from people who lived the horrors. I wouldn’t give 2 cents on what James Peton, or Raymond Franz side.
They need to understand that while it seems funny for people here to trash talk an organization, governments like Russia, and that crazy dictator Putin gets fed this nonsense, and what happens, do Witnesses get shutdown, NO they get imprisoned, retaliated and killed. The differences in persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses elsewhere might not necessarily come from the Vatican but through the Orthodox Church.
I would suggest book writers here, at the very least be honest, nothing more. Generating controversy doesn’t help your cause of attempting to get to the truth you seek. Just remember, Jehovah’s Witnesses persecution continues, and will continue to the very end.
i flew over this crate yesterday on my return home from las vegas.. .
they say this crater was created by an asteroid about 50,000 years ago.
then about 6000 years ago, presumably, god wiped out all life on earth with a global flood.. how much sediment would have been moved around during that flood.
the jws at the time in germany where considered part of the aryan race, (since they were not jews).
then things changed for the jws after rutherford mailed a letter to hitler bragging about jehovahs kingdom on earth.. so can we add this to the bloodshed that that the watchtower corp is responsible for?.
Yes isn’t it hilarious how people here twist the truth around to benefit their theory. I hope no active Witnesses buy into subversiveness. If you ever bother to research the true Facts?
Instead of relying on Joke with Facts, and other propaganda sites, you’ll find the underline intent the Catholic Church and other Religious people manifested to question Rutherford’s letter to The Reich and the framework and position Jehovah’s Witnesses held with Party affiliations and government, was to redirect the focus of allegiance from them to the Reich, to the Witnesses.
So to some extent political insertion by opposing Christians would be correct for the Vatican and others. Can you say by the actions of other religions, Witnesses died needlessly, sure you can. If you have a copy of the letter, read it through again.
the jws at the time in germany where considered part of the aryan race, (since they were not jews).
then things changed for the jws after rutherford mailed a letter to hitler bragging about jehovahs kingdom on earth.. so can we add this to the bloodshed that that the watchtower corp is responsible for?.
Once again how do you resolve the presumptuous questions that are marred with inaccuracies.
This site has misleading statements with no perception on what was going on in that region in the 1910’s, 1920’s 1930’s, 1940’s.
Etc. You cannot consider C.T. Russell’s motive much less that of Rutherford’s without researching ALL the tumultuous times they were in. You are only concentrating in Hitler’s regime and the similarities it had supposedly by the WTS. No such recorded influence exists. You’re undermining modern perception with yesterday’s events.
How did Russell perceive the unjust way The Jewish people were having, did that make him a Zionist, NO. He was not calling for flight, money grabbing or criminal intent as you people like to believe. He understood their dilemma. he had firsthand knowledge how it felt to be mistreated, condemned by a bunch of unethical preachers, and governments that ultimately sent some of them to prison on a religious whim. You people seem to forget Bible Students, And Jehovah’s Witnesses have been front and center to prosecution, simply understand this site to find the meaning.
So your representation of The Bible Students and Jehovah’s Witnesses would be false. Your presuming to
know the intentions and mindset of people without complete research.
do you believe in islam?
there are 1.6 billion muslims.
do you accept the pope as gods representative on earth?
do you believe in islam?
there are 1.6 billion muslims.
do you accept the pope as gods representative on earth?
Thus suggesting I have uniformity with religion. My theological consensus comes from understanding scripture. The value you place on man then becomes irrelevant. The suggestion of intermingling man with God is just disingenuous. Perhaps separating your thoughts would clarify the underline parable given by Jesus through Peter in 1 Peter 2:16. Thus coming in line with what is mentioned in 1 Peter 3:16-17. The inference is conduct.
The headship then becomes complacent nothing more. So once again I disagree with your assessment. Salvation comes within. The messengers such as the GB or the POPE have no mystical powers to save your soul other than spiritually feeding their flocks, thus shifting the responsibility to us.
i flew over this crate yesterday on my return home from las vegas.. .
they say this crater was created by an asteroid about 50,000 years ago.
then about 6000 years ago, presumably, god wiped out all life on earth with a global flood.. how much sediment would have been moved around during that flood.
The assertion then is based on hypothetical. Archeology along with science would need a definitive answer to the point of origin. The same point of origin that eludes evolutionist. Given that conformity then becomes speculation.
Flood question:
How can any of us confirm that while the flood was accruing time and place meaning all living things just didn’t come to a standstill.
How can any of us know while the flood was accruing sediment didn’t change the structure of the earth, and thus having bodies or organic material placed elsewhere.
Evolution Question:
How can any of us confirm with absolute certainty the carter is an impact crater verse an outward explosion crater? An explosion crater would answer some of the question of orbital plants within our solar system by which man has been confirming with possible life Bactria within our system.
If man can answer these few simple questions, then man would be in a better position to absolute..