I've read many books. The KKK existed long before Hitler was born. Hitler did not and could have started the ideologies of the KKK. Just because that is true and you got called out on it is no reason for you to take your ball and go home or start calling names= Viviane
Sure I do, you believe that everything you write is fact. That you and you alone have all the answers. I called you on it for that reason, just as you like to belittle people, so will I. So sing it to the choir.
Allow me to clarify a misunderstanding. When I referenced the first slavers, it was the Europeans or 13 colonist that enslaved the Native American First. However Native Americans that attacked a neighboring tribe would keep the defeated as slaves. My point is, Black Americans don’t have a monopoly on slavery. There were many nationalities enslaved by the white man back then.
If you want to help the cause, then concentrate on modern Slavery. That should be the focus even for black Americans.
Racism and Slavery are two different situations. Black Americans have over played the slavery card.
Now the second misunderstanding is the K.K.K. I did not mean the KKK was developed by Hitler or started by Hitler. I was suggesting that the modern ideology of the KKK is driven today by Nazism of having a supreme white race, rather than the KKK of old that was obviously started earlier with slavery. The Confederate cross bar flag and the swastika are the modern emblems of the KKK.
Third, while I agree with the majority on racism, the confederate flag has no special meaning other than those who cherish or distort its past. South Carolina was the first State to seced from the Union. South Carolina was the State that started the civil war in Fort Sumter 1861. The only thing with South Carolina having the Confederate flag flying, it’s the wrong flag. The original war flag is not on the Capitol. The cross bar confederate flag was made exclusively for General Lee and the State of Virginia.
Contrary to popular believe, slavery was not the first reason the civil war started. Even Lincoln stated in his inaugural address ,stated he didn’t want to upset those States that had slavery. It was after the American Union President saw they were losing the war that he included slavery in his declaration in 1863.
America for 5 years was divided into 2 countries, The America North (Union) with President Abraham Lincoln and America South (Confederate) with President Jefferson Davis.