Looks like 2004 on my phone. Do you have a link to that? Then u can actually see where it's from. HeyThere
Here's the link for you verification: http://www.pewforum.org/2015/05/12/americas-changing-religious-landscape/
i knew apostasy was a serious concern for the org, but until i watched this video, i had no idea how afraid they actually were.
all this guy wants is to do is not turn in his fs hours and immediately they (elders) set about drilling him about who are what influenced his decision, as if he was incapable of making his own (which as the elders confirm, in the org is highly discouraged).
they are convinced he has been communicating with apostates or visiting apostate web sites.
Looks like 2004 on my phone. Do you have a link to that? Then u can actually see where it's from. HeyThere
Here's the link for you verification: http://www.pewforum.org/2015/05/12/americas-changing-religious-landscape/
i knew apostasy was a serious concern for the org, but until i watched this video, i had no idea how afraid they actually were.
all this guy wants is to do is not turn in his fs hours and immediately they (elders) set about drilling him about who are what influenced his decision, as if he was incapable of making his own (which as the elders confirm, in the org is highly discouraged).
they are convinced he has been communicating with apostates or visiting apostate web sites.
I know that you know the significance of what I said. Your quote from Pope Francis has an uncanny resemblance to what I heard in the 1970s.Village Idiot
Well I wouldn’t know what to tell you about the Popes busy schedule, and what his intents are with his comments. I know that in 2013 the Conference of Catholic Bishops urged the Pope to allow married Bishops in South America the full rights of Bishop since there was a big shortage, and I believe that was resolved in late 2014. So when he started talking about the witnesses, I don’t know if it was a scheduled event or an urgent meeting.
Pray Tell: has tracked the story of Bishop Erwin Kräutler’s meeting with Pope Francis about the severe priesthood shortage and mandatory celibacy in Brazil, and Francis’ suggestion that the bishops of Brazil set up commission to make suggestions to Rome for a solution. This has now happened.
Either way, all religion will be attacked. You know very well. So who has what percent is meaningless. it's about good verses evil. Will see who was right at the end. As you said in a different thread. Something to look forward to in my death bed, right!
i knew apostasy was a serious concern for the org, but until i watched this video, i had no idea how afraid they actually were.
all this guy wants is to do is not turn in his fs hours and immediately they (elders) set about drilling him about who are what influenced his decision, as if he was incapable of making his own (which as the elders confirm, in the org is highly discouraged).
they are convinced he has been communicating with apostates or visiting apostate web sites.
SimonSays, I remember an almost identical quote on Catholics converting to JWs as far back as 40 years ago. It's an old quote that's been refurbished. In any case 10,000 is a trivial number if you bother to think about it. (Hint: It's .001% of all Catholics) village idiot
Village idiot: Well I guess the Catholics continue with the same ideology, however, since the Pontiff Francis is making the pitch, I guess you would need to email him to let him know that we live in the 21 century.
Village idiot: You are correct on the rise of atheist and Gnostic's. But I believe that is the rivalry between good and bad. One day we’ll have to bow down to anti Christ. But it will be for a short time. Just bear in mind, while atheist think they have an ally with the anti Christ hell remove disloyal people first. An example would Kim Jung Un. He illuminates his most loyal members, why?
Wait....am I missing something? Simon your numbers are from nearly 10 years ago (2007) or am I not seeing that right? That's not current at all....and jw numbers are pretty stagnant...something just doesn't add up here. HeyThere
Heyther: You are correct when you mentioned your missing something. Stats from right to left, 2007-2014-change.
On the change, you are correct. Numbers shows no difference for JW’s while the Catholic church dropped 3.1. percent in 7 years.That’s the call for alarm according to them.
The Stats are good Outlaw
okay then.
i knew apostasy was a serious concern for the org, but until i watched this video, i had no idea how afraid they actually were.
all this guy wants is to do is not turn in his fs hours and immediately they (elders) set about drilling him about who are what influenced his decision, as if he was incapable of making his own (which as the elders confirm, in the org is highly discouraged).
they are convinced he has been communicating with apostates or visiting apostate web sites.
SimonSays, you are cutting and repasting the same thing. Don't you have something else to say other than that tired (decades) old quote? village idiot
Village idiot, oh! You mean the mistake you made about what the Catholics were talking about a couple of months ago, and the stats I used for illustration. No Sorry, I just have current event info. Maybe you can press forward on your vcr to be enlighten.
i knew apostasy was a serious concern for the org, but until i watched this video, i had no idea how afraid they actually were.
all this guy wants is to do is not turn in his fs hours and immediately they (elders) set about drilling him about who are what influenced his decision, as if he was incapable of making his own (which as the elders confirm, in the org is highly discouraged).
they are convinced he has been communicating with apostates or visiting apostate web sites.
Outlaw, don’t just put stats you think has a capable argument. Stick to your cartoon quackery, and update your stats.
mr. jackson was pressured by angus stewart to answer if the org condoned corporal punishment, to which he openly stated that the org does not condone corporal punishment for j.w.
this "fact" has never been revealed in the org's literature, in fact, this article which was published under geoffrey jackson's supervision, by definition demonstrates the org's approval of corporal punishment for j.w.
SS - ..."99.9% of times JW children get scolded"
Have you personally investigated 100% of JW households to make this claim? sparrowdown
Have you personally investigated 100% of JW households to prove they didn't?
postulating, more than you'll ever know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i knew apostasy was a serious concern for the org, but until i watched this video, i had no idea how afraid they actually were.
all this guy wants is to do is not turn in his fs hours and immediately they (elders) set about drilling him about who are what influenced his decision, as if he was incapable of making his own (which as the elders confirm, in the org is highly discouraged).
they are convinced he has been communicating with apostates or visiting apostate web sites.
You don't have the slightest understanding of either the Catholic Church nor of "Apostates". And thank you for the upper case "A". village idiot
Village idiot: you stand true to your avatar. It seem you understand even less, but keep up the good work, from one A to bigger A, ”QUOTE DIRECTLY FROM THE CATHOLIC CHURCH”
Moving - Pascom Porto Feliz: Catholic Conference discusses increasing Witnesses ...
Which brings so many people to become Jehovah's Witnesses? This was the question asked by some clerics, as shown by the following quotations. For example, in Bologna, Italy, the ecclesiastical authorities, with the approval of the pope, they held a conference to discuss ways to combat the success of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The Catholic Church raised a " cry of alarm “, the newspaper La Republica, because every year ten thousand Catholics become Jehovah's Witnesses. The Jesuit Giuseppe De Rosa said that " the religious point of view the most dangerous are Jehovah's Witnesses. They come fully trained and always have the Bible in hand. "
mr. jackson was pressured by angus stewart to answer if the org condoned corporal punishment, to which he openly stated that the org does not condone corporal punishment for j.w.
this "fact" has never been revealed in the org's literature, in fact, this article which was published under geoffrey jackson's supervision, by definition demonstrates the org's approval of corporal punishment for j.w.
Searcher: If you’re going to sabotage by attempting to misrepresent FACTS, I suggest you revise and consent your belligerence. TEACHING PROPER VALUES. When will you people learn. Get a life dude.
On Teaching Proper Values:
In a 1969 New York Times Magazine article, Dr. Bruno Bettelheim stressed that a child has the "right to form his own inner opinions, influenced not by [his parents'] authoritative [preaching], but only by his own direct experience with life." Almost 30 years later, though, Dr. Robert Coles, author of The Moral Intelligence of Children (1997), acknowledged: "Children very much need a sense of purpose and direction in life, a set of values" approved by their parents and other adults.
Proverbs 22:6 urges parents: "Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it." The Hebrew word translated "train" also means "initiate" and here indicates the initiating of the first instruction of the infant. Parents are thus encouraged to start teaching their children proper values from infancy on. (2 Timothy 3:14, 15) What they learn during these formative years is likely to remain with them.
On Discipline:
Dr. James Dobson wrote in The Strong-Willed Child (1978): "Corporal punishment in the hands of a loving parent is a teaching tool by which harmful behavior is inhibited." On the other hand, in an article adapted from the seventh edition of the popular book Baby and Child Care (1998), Dr. Benjamin Spock said: "Spanking teaches children that the larger, stronger person has the power to get his way, whether or not he is in the right." OUTSIDE SOURCE, NOT THE WTS
With regard to discipline, the Bible states: "The rod and reproof are what give wisdom." (Proverbs 29:15) However, not all children need physical punishment. Proverbs 17:10 tells us: "A rebuke works deeper in one having understanding than striking a stupid one a hundred times." 99.9% of times JW Children get scolded.
i knew apostasy was a serious concern for the org, but until i watched this video, i had no idea how afraid they actually were.
all this guy wants is to do is not turn in his fs hours and immediately they (elders) set about drilling him about who are what influenced his decision, as if he was incapable of making his own (which as the elders confirm, in the org is highly discouraged).
they are convinced he has been communicating with apostates or visiting apostate web sites.
Yep, your right. The Org. doesn’t fear ignorance and stupidity. If you bother to learn theology, perhaps you’ll understand what that fool couldn’t. Instruction of GIVING. Matthew 6:1-4. But these are the kind of people you guys should cherish, blind obedience to the god of this word.
What we do, must be done from an inward principle, that we may be approved of God, not that we may be praised of men. In these verses we are cautioned against hypocrisy in giving alms, which would having nothing to do with reporting the field service.
But I will say, Apostates and the Catholic Church do have a fear of knowing it doesn’t matter how hard you try, God in heaven will always prevail.
The Catholic Church raised a " cry of alarm “, the newspaper La Republica, because every year ten thousand Catholics become Jehovah's Witnesses. The Jesuit Giuseppe De Rosa said that " the religious point of view the most dangerous are Jehovah's Witnesses. They come fully trained and always have the Bible in hand. "
if donald trump wins the presidency, about 90% of the jws in my area will have to go back to mexico.
the watchtower will be having a fire sale on kingdom halls.
if trump became president and he followed through on his policy of sending back undocumented immigrants, would that affect the jws publisher numbers big time in the united states?
Yeah, he’s a hardcore. If your 2 miles away from Juarez MX. Then you’re in E.P., so don’t be embarrassed to say it. Aren’t you an ex elder with a big ax to grind? If all Hispanic JW’s are forced out as you put it with your racial undertone, that would mean more Hispanics getting baptized in Mexico.
You and the Catholic Church have a dilemma. While you applaud that fascist Mussolini Trump to get rid of Mexicans while you include JW’s and omit other religions, The Vatican wants to keep the JW’s out of Mexico as per the convention the Pontiff held in Portugal a few months ago.
How will you get Trumpet to fix the problem?
Moving - Pascom Porto Feliz: Catholic Conference discusses increasing Witnesses ...
Which brings so many people to become Jehovah's Witnesses? This was the question asked by some clerics, as shown by the following quotations. For example, in Bologna, Italy, the ecclesiastical authorities, with the approval of the pope, they held a conference to discuss ways to combat the success of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The Catholic Church raised a " cry of alarm “, the newspaper La Republica, because every year ten thousand Catholics become Jehovah's Witnesses. The Jesuit Giuseppe De Rosa said that " the religious point of view the most dangerous are Jehovah's Witnesses. They come fully trained and always have the Bible in hand. "