Funny! Your attempt to teach something you haven’t understood yourself. LEARN FIRST! BEFORE YOU TEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
However, your ideology is good for let’s say, a born again Christian.
for potential new-arrivals: .
if you are one of the many who are facing expulsion from bethels around the world in the near future - or simply a sincere j.w.
acts 13:31 - "who are now his (jesus') witnesses to the people.
Funny! Your attempt to teach something you haven’t understood yourself. LEARN FIRST! BEFORE YOU TEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
However, your ideology is good for let’s say, a born again Christian.
i just wanted to say that my dear 89 year old mom is terminally ill and will soon pass.
she is on morphine and hanging on.
she has been a devout witness for about 60 years and a wonderful mother.
I’m glad to read the majority of you have set aside any critical thinking in this time of pain of having to endure the hardship of seeing a love one pass. The process if not equal is more to bear than the solemn thought of having a suffering loved one receive final peace and tranquility through eternal sleep.
For those of us that still believe in God’s promise will have comfort of resurrection. Those of us that have lost that faith can simply sympathize to those with our individual lose. Human empathy is a desired aspect of human nature to be achieved at this time.
i was sent a list of places i could contact in my part of wa.
i was cautious.
i always ask if they are jws.
We care about JW issues precisely because we were JWs.Also, Prime Minister Abbott's actions do not necessarily reflect that of all Australians.Village Idiot.
Then that would be the operative word “WERE” as if. The remainder of your argument is nonsensical, therefore to wit the actions do not necessarily reflect that of ALL JW's. But to those Australians that do agree with their Prime Minister Abbott would therefore agree to silencing abuse, and harboring as you people put it pedophiles. So where does it end. You can give all the negative points you want, but that doesn’t mean you’re thinking.
i was sent a list of places i could contact in my part of wa.
i was cautious.
i always ask if they are jws.
It’s interesting how the legal system works in Australia. It reminds me of hypocrisy just like all those that pretend to care about a worldwide problem only because it involves JW’s, as if they were the only ones. Why didn’t you ask the RC rep if they were Catholic, Orthodox Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Protestant. The mindset by exclusion, is it rational? Sane people ask.
For the Australian Government it’s an entirely different beast. While they seem to care in one hand, the Prime Minister ABBOTT signed a NEW LAW that will punish staff in detection centers for asylum seekers if they speak out about abuse. Ironically one happens to be SEXUAL ABUSE.
I think you people have beaten this RC stuff to its end, since this is not something that happened 30 years ago as someone ignorant enough not to think, but for Australia has been ongoing since last year. 2014
thanks to the great "watchtower history" blog with historical information about the pre- and early bible students years, i became today aware of the origine of the name the watchtower and the masthead illustration in front of the old magazines.. in c.t.
russell's younger days, his mother and other relatives died and were buried on the family plot at the allegheny cemetery.. it must have been a defining moment voor the young ctr.
look at his inspiration to choose the name and masthead of his magazine.
While I’m not in a position to advise a half million modern day Bible Students their making up stories because there’s and old goat that suggest they’ve been lying for 15 years, would probably be simpler to achieve rather than having scumbags distort the truth in the name of profit.
As I told you in another thread, you will never impress me as a historian and even less as a human being. The proof is in the pudding, you’ve been exposed by me too many times. Its ironic bible students lying for 15 years while people here have been doing the same. You have the last word, so we don’t hijack this thread any further.
The theme:
thanks to the great "watchtower history" blog with historical information about the pre- and early bible students years, i became today aware of the origine of the name the watchtower and the masthead illustration in front of the old magazines.. in c.t.
russell's younger days, his mother and other relatives died and were buried on the family plot at the allegheny cemetery.. it must have been a defining moment voor the young ctr.
look at his inspiration to choose the name and masthead of his magazine.
My sincerest apologies. I miswrote, Old Goat has a problem with my grammar like a foolish child. However, What I meant to say was not his literal grave, but the pyramid erected years later where the Bible Students placed a Time capsule under it that was stolen in 2000. It’s fishy that these people old goat promotes have a piece of history that by all intents should have been part of the time capsule. I’m not suggesting the authors are the direct thieves, just curious as to how they stumbled into the information.
In 1905 the brothers in Pittsburgh bought a huge farm that included a big house in order to establish a very large cemetery. When the pyramid was erected a few years after C.T. Russell’s death many items that included photos, Watchtower publications and a copy of the WB&TS corporation charter were placed inside and sealed in a metal box. So the pyramid was also a time capsule! This was published not only in our 1919 Convention Report but also in newspapers and other books of Pittsburgh’s history like the 1958 book “Where Else But Pittsburgh?” So, on a dark night in the year 2000 thieves broke open the pyramid and had stolen these valuable items of our spiritual heritage. Neither the thieves nor the items stolen were ever found
Old Goat, while your attempts to belittle me is not unusual here, as I stated before, don’t embarrass yourself, you really know very little of the WTS History as well as your friends. Retire your historical aspects of the WTS.
ray franz who gave us insight into the gb due to a crisis of conscience was an absolute moron, with absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever like all of us have.
i mean, to have a conscience based on some magic man in the sky.. how stupid can you be?
in search of christian freedom?
It astonishes me when people start to promote hypothetical books such as the 5 gospels. People should be honest enough to suggest the writings of Robert Funk is nothing more than an elaborate means to redefine orthodox Christianity. Another Judeo-Christian way to look at Christ as a prophet not the Messiah. While I won’t speak ill of the dead, attempting to add a new Gospel through deception is a common factor nowadays. Classic Jesus Seminar rhetoric.
Robert Funk:
“Those of us who work with that hypothetical middle [between creation and the end of all things] —Jesus of Nazareth—are hard pressed to concoct any form of coherence that will unite beginning, middle, and end in some grand new fiction that will meet all the requirements of narrative. To put the matter bluntly, we are having as much trouble with the middle—the messiah—as we are with the terminal points. What we need is a new fiction that takes as its starting point the central event in the Judeo-Christian drama and reconciles that middle with a new story that reaches beyond old beginnings and endings. In sum, we need a new narrative of Jesus, a new gospel, if you will, that places Jesus differently in the grand scheme, the epic story. (Italics mine)” Robert Funk
How different was Ray's commitment not turning atheist for the sake of his book sales.
thanks to the great "watchtower history" blog with historical information about the pre- and early bible students years, i became today aware of the origine of the name the watchtower and the masthead illustration in front of the old magazines.. in c.t.
russell's younger days, his mother and other relatives died and were buried on the family plot at the allegheny cemetery.. it must have been a defining moment voor the young ctr.
look at his inspiration to choose the name and masthead of his magazine.
WatchTower Of Allegheny Historical Tour
I wonder if this information was obtained by the THEFT and defilement of C.T. Russell’s grave back in 2000. Too much of a coincidence, especially now that a lot of people are promoting the B. W. Schulz and R. M. de Vienne book, but with very little extra insight.
the united nations will shortly announce global peace and security.
this will result in the attack on the true religion [ jehovah's witnesses ] lead by pope francis and intern will bring armageddon / paradise.
please brothers and sisters share this information with everyone!
Just another Bible Student enthusiastic view for 2017. I believe you people had a Bible Student run you through that about a month or so ago, “Lars” maybe that him come back for seconds. However, he should not use deception to promote his view, stick to your own kind, Horatio. Onward Jewish Nation, Prophecy of 1947-8 can be completed by the denial of the Iranian Nuclear deal, but that won’t force God’s judgement Day, sorry.
rachael de vienne is one of the authors of separate identity, a history of the watch tower's earliest years.
she's received low grade harassment from the watchtower for years.
she posted about it on her personal blog.
By the time Russell met him, Barbour was no longer an Adventist. (Russell says this.) He had moved into Age-to-Come theology. This is British Literalism. He adopted Mark Allan’s doctrine and told a newspaper reporter that his congregation in Rochester was affiliated with Allan’s Church of the Blessed Hope.
Exactly, you have just confirmed what ignorant people having been disputing for over 15 years here.
Giving history lessons is my profession. You’ve just had one. I should add that you criticize Penton and Schulz and de Vienne for selling books. Original research is expensive and time consuming. The Bible principal is “to the worker belong his wages.” I’ve written a few textbooks over the years some still in use. (I’m nearly 90) And I can tell you that return on work is often small. If you don’t want to pay for a book, don’t buy it. But it is not a sin to buy and sell, even intellectual work.
I sorry to read this, a historian. Wow! The research on the account of Barbour is not entirely ORIGINAL since he wrote many pamphlets and information in other books. So to suggest that research is expensive for reading books, Come On! Not even you buy in to that, unless you’re suggesting these people spoke to Barbour. Aside from that, Barbour was a lost Prophet but to the Advent Movement NOT the Bible Students as suggested once again from questionable sources.
Your entire argument rests on misstated ‘facts’ and misleading statements. You’re spelling, grammar and thought are confused. You want to elevate Russell at Barbour’s expense. You’ve chosen the wrong tack. Barbour was vain, self-entitled and a thief. The difference between them when they separated was personal behavior with a mix of doctrinal difference.
I’m glad you corrected yourself. I wouldn’t be able to find a different aspect to low life. Find a different way of giving history lessons for WTS stuff, you’re just embarrassing yourself. Don’t worry you have impressed people here from all the time you have invested here. Is it worth money by deception, Hm!!!!!!!!
There are about 7-8 books that would refute the claim you and your friend suggest. However to believe that person was being harassed by the WTS obviously doesn’t know the meaning of the word. You will never impress me as a historian although it would have been nice since you seem to be more open minded than others, but if you’re going to promote someone, know the REAL TRUE. My responses are not researched like yours, I don’t have time to use proper grammar, sorry.