Simon, I disagree with your interpretation, but your the boss!
Also, the majority of those that leave the cult become better people, less judgmental, more tolerant and contribute more to society. Bonsai
Simonsays: The difference between a JW and a hypocrite is that one lies for his religion, the other by it. You are soooo full of sh---t.......Go preach it somewhere else....James Nixon
For all the posturing here, that’s all you people have. Making derogatory connotations and insults. You want to voice a mass disassociation, yet you’re accomplishing nothing. Not that it will really matter but the hatred rendered here will only get your brilliant idea tossed in the trash. Show some initiative with intelligence.
You people claim, anyone can come in this forum with freedom, while you insult, belittle them and yet you call it less judgmental and tolerant. Do you people read what you’re shoveling? But you are correct, there’s no need for none of you to reform, just take your hypocrite friends that are still inside with you. That was my point. Voice yourselves loud and clear so not just the WTS will take notice, but God himself will. Now there’s the rub.
You people have the last word, enjoy feeling good about putting a negative in my comments. That should show real people lurking here your true colors and distortions, remember you speak volumes, but of what? That’s the jest of it.