There was a time when everyone was happy in 1950's. Jehovah's spirit had a free flow
and the org was humble. We knew there were mistakes like the house of princes in California
etc.and Russell and Rutherford had made mistakes We were not brow beaten and prodded,
the overseers left us alone we were quite poor and were content.we put our trust in Jehovah
and his beloved son.We knew the Watchtower was just a bible study aid, and we all studied the
Bible too .But the problems came from within not on the outside, materialism and cliques began to appear
and men who aready had Jehovah's dissaprooval were ambitiously gaining prominent
positions of responsibility. The weeds were being sown and the choking started. IF YOU
JoinedPosts by compton
what does the watchtower teach that is right.
by jerome inso you dont have to say it.
could you please bear with me for a second here.. this organisation cant be all bad even though overall it is.. .
most of you may reluctantly hold the opinion that every thing the watchtower currently teaches isnt all bad so could you please give your honest opinions as to what you think is good about the org.. so what is there that can be said about it and its teachings that is good.. especially about prophecy.
Why Do JW Leave and Want Nothing to Do With God
by castlelover ini find reading this information from different individuals that being a jw and then leaving has people not wanting anything to do with god.
did god tell us to become members of a cult?
i think it is a form of programming that is given over and over that we would be like a dog returning to its vomit.
This has bothered myself no end. I see ones that have turned aethistic and suppose
them to be stumbled. Each person must have a relationship with God, who else can
help in time of trouble, as we are right now ! We all thought America was secure but
we realise now we were living in a dellusion.Its up to those that have faith to help those
that are not strong. The Watchtower taught twisted reasoning that we had to go throught them to reach Jehovah. Did'nt Jesus say that the Devil would perform many miracles that
would decieve even the very elect if it were possible..
Is 1914 date flawed?
by badboy inreasoning from the scriptures says on pp95-97 that months consist of 30 days.. years therefore would be 360 days long.. i have calcaluted(sic)that for every year in the `western'calender such a 360 day calender would fall 4/5 days depending on whether it was a leapyear or not.
now over a period of 2520 years,a 360 day calender would be 9,940 days behind a 364/5 day calender(25 years!
) therefore 2520 years according to book of daniel would fall in 1889!.
why don't you try 1933,the begining of the "Great tribulation" for the jews, remember Jesus was
Jew talking to Jews. 1933 was the year Hitler came to power and burned the Riechstag down
and said the communist did it This led to the Murder of Six million Jews. Then the days were
brought to an end otherwise the whole World would have been destroyed by Hitlers Madness
Now notice Israel is back in the promised land and has been sice 1948.Now read Ezekiel
chapter 38 and psalm 83 and notice Bush even pointed out Iraq and Iran. After you have read
these scriptures watch and pray as Jesus said you do not know the hour.The whole World is
watching the middle East! -
The "humble" man Rutherford
by Norm inthe watchtower society must indeed suffer from a severe lack of humble people.. in their search for an example of humility and humbleness they actually name their second president, j. f. rutherford, a man still known for his complete lack of anything resembling humility.
hoping for the usual total ignorance among the r&f the watchtower wrote this:.
*** w93 2/1 19 what godly subjection requires of us ***.
Norm take it easy on Rutherford. Its all water under the bridge. Jehovah works strange things out
that we can't always see eye to eye with. Rutherford had his faults I am sure, but he
was commisioned to do a very difficult work smite Christendom and it would take a special type of man
A fearless man, a lawyer, a man that could standup to all the churches of that time.and point to
where they had failed, as Knorr did a building up work.Thats also why he put his name on the books
he wrote as there would be law suits, and in the end even the old system left him alone.He was terrifying
when he wanted to be! There are mistakes in his books if you want to I said its all water under the bridge
remember Jehovah's sheep will hear his voice. its all up to the king.Have mercy! we need it too.1980
is nearly twenty five years ago and most people that are gong to escape from the Watchtower have already
done, if you really respested Jehovah. -
The new Jehovah's Witnesses
by compton indo you want to know who the new witnesses will be, they don't even know themselves yet ?.
read all of chapter ezekiel 38 and psalm 83.
Do you want to know who the new witnesses will be, they don't even know themselves yet ?
Read all of chapter Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83. -
Archaeology vs WBTS ( who build the pyramids?)
by bj inin my book of bible stories (1978), chapter 27, the wbts give the impression to readers, that israelites, participated in building egyptian pyramids.
also, the watchtower - november 15, 1987, page 30, raises the two following questions: "do the pyramids of giza (near modern cairo) bring to mind abused slaves toiling under hot sun to drag huge stones into place?
and do you imagine hebrew slaves among them?
let me make a correction on what I .stated. this was the way Piazzi Smythe is spelt,
also the pyramids cover thirteen acres,not forty.He spent months Egypt taking measurments
but the Pyramids were aparrently built using the ancient Cubit ( the length taken from the elbow
to the fore finger, approx 18 inches), so he took measurments using inches and feet and turning
it into cubits by dividing his results by 18". .Russell was really carried away with his work. as you will
find a pyramid on his tomb. Apparently Piazzi came accross some extroadinary results.
1. Facing true North
2. Circumference of the earth.
3. Distance from the Earth from the Sun
and so on thats why Rusell thought it was from divine origin and began investigating from a scriptural
point of view.
then he came up with good answers.
built by Cheops., no Egyptian hieroglypics found except on the reverse side of one of the stones
supporting the kings chamber, built under the direction of KING Melkisedek,
The cheops Pryamid is the original and all the rest are copies like the snakes that Moses staff ate up
that the magicans had made when he was before Pharoe.
All this is really best left untouched because it cant't be prooven and in time we wiil the
Paul said test the spirits to see whose side they are on! -
Russell quotes
by larc inmy local library has the studies in the scriptures by russell.
here are a few quotes for vol.
2, 1906 edition.. 1872. six thousand years from the creation of adam were complete in a.d. 1872, and hence that since a.d. 1872, we chronologically entered upon the seventh thousand or the millenium.".
Let me add they are like fresh air.
Russell lived at a time of great religious oppression in the heart of Christendom and to
hand tracks out as people came out of the churches was terrifying.
He made a few mistakes but who among us is perfect.Let me stress that if you need good
spiritual food its really good in these old Watchtowers and makes you feel! remember
christian freedom
As far as I'm concerned the WTBS was dissmissed in 1980,for beating the sheep and ruling
over them. Ray Franz is the only member of the governing body that escaped.He points this out
in his book that Freddie.his uncle really did not agree with what they were doing, But for some reason he
succumbed. -
Russell quotes
by larc inmy local library has the studies in the scriptures by russell.
here are a few quotes for vol.
2, 1906 edition.. 1872. six thousand years from the creation of adam were complete in a.d. 1872, and hence that since a.d. 1872, we chronologically entered upon the seventh thousand or the millenium.".
Right on! Russell wrote many teachings that make sense today, and its amazing some
of the things he saw. for instance :-he taught that all people that have ever lived under
Satanic rule will be given a ressurection and be given a chance when they see a perfect
earth, that makes sense and in harmony with justice, He also pointed to the restoration
of Israel, which is happening,and the starting date of 1878. that religious organizations are harmful
I have in my possesion all the bound volumes till 1916 and the volumes of studies in the scriptures
and when I showed the circuit servant was told they were of the devil. -
Archaeology vs WBTS ( who build the pyramids?)
by bj inin my book of bible stories (1978), chapter 27, the wbts give the impression to readers, that israelites, participated in building egyptian pyramids.
also, the watchtower - november 15, 1987, page 30, raises the two following questions: "do the pyramids of giza (near modern cairo) bring to mind abused slaves toiling under hot sun to drag huge stones into place?
and do you imagine hebrew slaves among them?
Please read the book by Pyazzi Smyth Astronomer Royal for Scotland, it contains a lot of actual information
about the great pyramid who it was built by and how long it took, covered 40 acres. just the great the pyramid of cheops
many actual measurments and shows who ever built it had acurate knowledge of maths and measurments
of earth. -
Jacob fights with Jehovah for blessing!
by AIRVIEW1 inin genesis 32 jacob gets into a wrestling match with the angel of jehova.
when the angel told jacob to let him go, jacob's response was, "i will let you if you will bless me".
jacob decided to fight the angel for his blessing and they go at it all night!
That is a good point, now give us an explanation of why Jacob's hip became displaced