I don't know; I'm not a woman,....
*Bops* Twitch on head! Well, I hope you're happy!
i'm just wondering because i was raised to believe that a woman should get married and have children.
i think that this is an out-dated philosophy and that girls shouldn't be taught that they have to be in a marriage to be complete.
please, discuss.
so how did it go some have asked?
at some point the lady therapist asked me what was probably my number one concern....it just came out...."i don't know if i can stay married to a jw"...wife burst into tears...and never let up...not even on the way back to drop me off at work...i also said in session i would prefer an open minded wife, and i don't think wife would pick me now either...not an unbeliever, not an overdrinker, and that marriage to me meant being able to share pretty much everything with one another, my feelings, my friends, my concerns, and that i did not like living a double life...and explained what that was too......she of course said she would stay in the marriage, and mentioned the adultery only rule...so i said it sounds like she feels she is stuck with me...she said it sounds like our marriage is already over....the lady says she does know for a fact that jw's do indeed get divorced without sex sins...cause she has counseled more that one couple like us...one in, one out....that ended with divorce.
i did say nice things about her...said the things i love.....and vice verse...and we both said we wanted the marriage to work....so at least a good basis for continuing the sessions.....the lady wants us to find common ground and just ignore the religious difference for now...i said great but how can we do that when the religion is all encompassing to my wife...it is everything....i will be glad to go to the ground if she can find it....but she never got a chance to find it yet...we ran out of time.
Oompa, have you really disconnected from the religion? Think about it. You're still letting it dictate things in your life.
so how did it go some have asked?
at some point the lady therapist asked me what was probably my number one concern....it just came out...."i don't know if i can stay married to a jw"...wife burst into tears...and never let up...not even on the way back to drop me off at work...i also said in session i would prefer an open minded wife, and i don't think wife would pick me now either...not an unbeliever, not an overdrinker, and that marriage to me meant being able to share pretty much everything with one another, my feelings, my friends, my concerns, and that i did not like living a double life...and explained what that was too......she of course said she would stay in the marriage, and mentioned the adultery only rule...so i said it sounds like she feels she is stuck with me...she said it sounds like our marriage is already over....the lady says she does know for a fact that jw's do indeed get divorced without sex sins...cause she has counseled more that one couple like us...one in, one out....that ended with divorce.
i did say nice things about her...said the things i love.....and vice verse...and we both said we wanted the marriage to work....so at least a good basis for continuing the sessions.....the lady wants us to find common ground and just ignore the religious difference for now...i said great but how can we do that when the religion is all encompassing to my wife...it is everything....i will be glad to go to the ground if she can find it....but she never got a chance to find it yet...we ran out of time.
No I dont lance.......I am a nice guy....a softee......I dont want to hurt anyone........so I can pay a pro to force issues I just may not be able to address. I may not have your balls, but am not ashamed of this fact, that is just how I am............oompa
Oompa, I was raised in "Christendom". I was told to respect my marriage vows and to put others before myself. So, you end up thinking that you have to "do the right thing" according to God or whoever. You are going to be very unhappy staying in a marriage "just because". It's okay to think of yourself and to love yourself.
You need to tell the therapist to tell you how to love yourself. Once, you realize that this is not a selfish thing, I think that you'll be able to make a decision about your marriage.
If your wife loves you enough, some lightbulbs should start popping on in her head! If not, you have to go on. Life is too short!
Work on your assertiveness! Don't be a martyr.
because skin color is such a popular topic on jwd .... .
berlin twins born with different skin tonespublished: 16 jul 08 16:19 cet.
online: http://www.thelocal.de/13103/.
My sister-in-law's daughter had a blonde hair blue-eyed baby. She was in the store and had the baby in the cart. She is a brown-skinned woman. I asked her whos baby is that? She said mine. Then I asked is his father White; and she said no. My bestfriend had a blonde hair blue-eyed baby too. I wasn't as suprised by hers because my bestfriend is light-skinned. She liked to go to the beach to get tans! ROFLMAO!!!
i'm just wondering because i was raised to believe that a woman should get married and have children.
i think that this is an out-dated philosophy and that girls shouldn't be taught that they have to be in a marriage to be complete.
please, discuss.
I don't know, but I believe men need to be single to be happy.
You know that's an interesting point! It's acceptable for a man to be an old bachelor; but not acceptable for a woman to be an old bachelorette! You know they call women that don't get married "Old blankety blanks"!
i'm just wondering because i was raised to believe that a woman should get married and have children.
i think that this is an out-dated philosophy and that girls shouldn't be taught that they have to be in a marriage to be complete.
please, discuss.
I asked my wife and she said DEFINITELY not.
You and your wife have a great sense of humor!
i'm just wondering because i was raised to believe that a woman should get married and have children.
i think that this is an out-dated philosophy and that girls shouldn't be taught that they have to be in a marriage to be complete.
please, discuss.
I don't think it's necessary for happiness at all. After two divorces, I am gunshy. So many things can go wrong. I didn't marry Andy, which is probably a good thing.
FHN, I have, always, said that if I ever was single again that the next relationship that I got into, the man would have to have his OWN house and I mine!
i'm just wondering because i was raised to believe that a woman should get married and have children.
i think that this is an out-dated philosophy and that girls shouldn't be taught that they have to be in a marriage to be complete.
please, discuss.
I would like a couple of them to talk to and "play" with on occasion, friends.
I certainly don't want to live with anyone.
Whitedove, why do I understand what you mean? I am married!
i'm just wondering because i was raised to believe that a woman should get married and have children.
i think that this is an out-dated philosophy and that girls shouldn't be taught that they have to be in a marriage to be complete.
please, discuss.
My sister will be fifty next year and she is still waiting for the new system to find a man.
PEC, is she happy or bitter? How does she make a living (If I may ask)?
why the hell does it matter, and why do people make an issue out of it?
Neither, He was a JEW.
I, always, have to ask this question: What color/race are Jews?