Golden Girl said: (He is two years old). The first day he pooped 2 times on the carpeting. Last night he threw up twice . The worst part is by the time I got the materials to clean it up he ate it!..GAG GAG... I kept thinking about it all night and gagging. I still gag thinking about it! It's not like I am cruel or anything..I take him out(for a long time) but he holds it till the minute he gets in the house and lets it go!..With me saying really really bad words to him! Then he decides it's fun to chew on I give him a bone. That actually worked..till he decided to chew on the sheet hanging to the floor.Then he chewed on the weights in the corner..then the air conditioner vent on the floor.. He is just so stupid! I will be so glad to go home tonight and sleep in peace. Then the cat decides he is lonely with the teen girl(my grand daughter) he is used to sleeping with gone and howls every half hour..(Scream). So I guess I have had about two hours sleep tops. My daughter just called and they are in Kansas on their way home (Missouri)with their new Hummer limo. I told her to "Click her heels" to get home faster.............She laughed..I was serious! Snoozy, the dog watcher.........
Just to funny...I am in tears laughing....I been there,,, hahahaha