Mmmmmm bread machines

by Lady Lee 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have a bread machine and have been experimenting with it this week. My first breads were really dense and heavy. They were OK but definitely not great.

    So I went to the books and they said the liquids need to be lukewarm not cold from the fridge.

    So after yet another white bread heavy I just tried a raisin bread recipe.

    Ok I'm addicted. I haven't ever tasted bread that good. Not even when I used to pound and knead and bake my own years ago - at least 30 years ago.

    I let it cool down and then sliced and lathered with low cholesterol margarine that melted into the bread. I even ate the crust (which I never do).

    Now I want to try all kinds of breads.

    This will be great for me too now that it is so hard to get to the corner store to buy bread and I can't eat dry/stale bread without choking on it.

    This is way to good to be healthy.

    Bread heaven here I come.

    Tomorrow - whole wheat

  • misspeaches

    Lady Lee I love bread from bread machines. It's so yummy!

    We set ours so that we have freshly baked bread ready for us when we wake up in the morning... Let me tell you there is nothing like waking up to a house smelling of bread!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Have you ever tried an onion bread. I want to try it but can't find a recipe.

    I have a coupld of books but no recipe for it. But oh wow there are so many different kinds of breat to make.

    It takes five minutes to put together and it is almost sinful how good ot is.

  • littlerockguy

    I love good bread myself, however since I am single I hardly ever buy it since I cannot go through a whole loaf without most of it going bad. The same with milk. I dont eat bread much since I try to watch my carb intake which is such a pain since that includes other things I love such as rice, pasta, etc. My mother use to get some bread from a woman she worked with and it was the best bread I ever ate! If she has the recipe, I will pass it along to ya :)

  • Purza

    I love my bread machine. Although I haven't ventured out past the white or wheat bread, my book does have a recipe for cheese'n onion bread and another one for focaccia bread. I can't tell you if it is good or not, but if you want the recipes, just let me know.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I have the same problem with bread. It always goes bad so not when I do buy a loaf (and I think those days are over) I put the loaf in the freezer. Then just take out what I will need as I need it.


    Yes please

  • Purza

    Okay I found one for just "Onion Bread". Again, cannot vouch for it, but it is in my bread machine book: And this is for a 1.5 lb loaf:

    Onion Bread

    Water 80 degrees (1 cup)

    Oil (2 TBL)

    Dry Onion Soup Mix (2 TBL)

    Sugar (1 TBL)

    Bread Flour (3 cups)

    Active Dry Yeast (2 1/4 tsp)

    Add ingredients in that order and set machine to Basic.

  • Scully


    I have a recipe book for my bread machine with oodles of different kinds to try. I'll see if there's one for onion bread and send you a PM if I find one.

    I never let the dough bake in the machine - I put it into a loaf pan (or a few mini loaf pans or form the dough into rolls) and bake it in the oven. I'm still working on the pizza dough recipe - it bombed the last couple of times I tried it.

    That reminds me... I need to pick up some flour and yeast.

    Cheers, Scully

  • TopHat

    Since I am chief cook and bottle washer in my family...I would love to try the bread machine but have never purchased one. What brand of machine would anyone here recommend?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I never would have thought the onion soup mix so thanks a lot. I had been wondering if I had to slice and dice and then cook the onions but this is perfect and takes out most of the work.

    Oooo (((Scully))) beginning to salavate here

    If you find some you have tried and thought were really good send em on

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