(Judges 1:19) 19 And Jehovah continued with Judah, so that he took possession of the mountainous region, but he could not dispossess the inhabitants of the low plain, because they had war chariots with iron scythes.
WTF? he blew the Jericho walls to pieces and had all the inhabitants killed..........but all powerful Jehovah was not able to take out war chariots? Well ok......the reprise, then
(Judges 4:13) 13 At once Sis′e·ra called together all his war chariots, the nine hundred war chariots with iron scythes, and all the people that were with him, out of Ha·ro′sheth of the nations to the torrent valley of Ki′shon.
(Judges 4:15) 15 And Jehovah began to throw Sis′e·ra and all his war chariots and all the camp into confusion by the edge of the sword before Ba′rak. . .
Ah yes, Jehovah must have been a little out of practice the first time......because it had been 40 years at least since he last destroyed some chariots........I guess the light is getting brighter.....