Faith is a very dangerous thing. Especially when it is´s really funny...the bible starts out not by a lack of faith, but by an abundance of imagination. Perhaps some people read to much in what the bible really is.....
a)because unbeleif is the worst sin anyone could commit.. b)unbelief is a reflection of a bad heart condition.. c)clearly unbeleif is a willful rejection of god's creatorship, because the evidence abounds as to his existence.. d)the fool has said in his heart,"there is no jehovah.
" and the god of love hates fools.. e)it is all just a clever mind control indoctrinating idea that has kept billions in slavery, making them fearful of ever loosing faith, and thus making it possible for christianity to survive longer than other myths..
Faith is a very dangerous thing. Especially when it is´s really funny...the bible starts out not by a lack of faith, but by an abundance of imagination. Perhaps some people read to much in what the bible really is.....
no, it's not a vast conspiracy for the governing body to get rich.
it's about power and control, but not personal power and control.
the watchtower society is a living, nigh-sentient entity unto itself.
Money goes somewhere.......waste is a black hole too. And the WTS boasts on not being the most efficient org, but the most spiritual minded...(barf), thus actually implying to take waste for granted (colateral?)as long as the spirit in which things are done is theocratic....(barf)
Not needing to be responsible to no-one can be a very appealing thing on top of which one never needs to be trouble with their conscience, just blame the R&F
folklore, wives tales, or jw bs, whatever you want to call it, i am sure it will pass around the globe in record time and become an honest to goodness truth.. .
prayers of children (experience).
this experience was given at a circuit assembly in california.
Sunday while eating with friends, one of them related that same story of a girl adopted but then placed it after the tsunami in S.E.A.
Looks abit like the WT literature. The same ole story but with a little different twist....
i am planning on joining the local chapter of the ymca....could i be df'd if found out?
You may even try using the UN thing to your advantage.....
If they can enter into a reciprocal agreement with an entity that is "clearly" condemned by God for just a library card, I suppose you could do the same for just using the shower....
the february 15th watchtower 2007, is spectacularly nauseating!!!
at least i found it so.. i would welcome the opinion of all on the board to this sentiment on page 19, paragraph 8 and9:.
'although subjection can be challenging, women can welcome it as honorable, even as did jesus.
How they apply the rue that in christ there is no difference in race, color, creed or sex. submissive....a bloody shame......Any one seen the movie submission? easy tranpose....
start of article.
q1, 2) how can you remain in god's love?.
1) jehovah loves the world of mankind so much that he gave his only-begotten son in order that those exercising faith in him might have everlasting life.
I had only one comment written on the top f this article: WHERE IS THE RANSOM: 1 Joh 2:1,2.
It clearly does not fit the way they are heading...
are ya ready for some more godly teachings from jehovah passed on to the faithful slave class.......namely fred franz the monk, regarding sex?
well alrighty then..... ( i only picked out the sentences that applied to my point).
watchtower 1961 december 15 pp.
Well Badboy,
Are you sure the absence of real life example here is due to not knowing anything about the subject? Or may it have been a matter of doing a better job on hiding affiliations than late lamented Leo.
I know....I should be ashamed of myself for even implying such of a faithful member of the oracle class .....But then again, I am deeply influenced by that apostate Erasmus: Moriae encomium, sive Stultitiae laus)
are ya ready for some more godly teachings from jehovah passed on to the faithful slave class.......namely fred franz the monk, regarding sex?
well alrighty then..... ( i only picked out the sentences that applied to my point).
watchtower 1961 december 15 pp.
I can imagine why he did not use the chimpansees as an example......
@clam: nice joke.
kingdom of heaven, now or later?.
at the last supper, jesus said that he would eat and drink with the apostles in the kingdom of god:.
and he said unto them, with desire i have desired to eat this passover with you before i suffer: for i say unto you, i will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of god.
Col 1:13 may add to the flavour:
Col 1:13 who delivered us out of the authority of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
Col 1:14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the remission of sins;
so this guy i see occasionally at work (he's a traveling .
representative and passes thru now and then) is really easy.
his mom is .
Here's one you may tell your friend:
Samson told his guests a riddle.
His fiancee was pressing him to reveal the answer
His fiancee told her family. Hence her family could solve the riddle.
Here's what he said:
And he said to them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye had not found out my riddle.
Judges 14:18. I suspect the elders in that cong will love it to hear such fine and upbuilding comments!