That was pretty darn funny...
The whole time I was reading I just kept looking at your pentagram thinking hmmmmm................
i hurts me alot that i have to say goodbye to all of you.
whether or not i joined in a topic, you all (well, most) had a way of making me feel like part of the family here.
you have all made me laugh and made me cry.
That was pretty darn funny...
The whole time I was reading I just kept looking at your pentagram thinking hmmmmm................
were you able to fulfill or remove that need in some way?
did fulfilling that need make it possible or easier for you to exit the wt?
It fulfilled the need to feel wanted, loved, to be a part of something that seemed greater...of course all of this was a front at first, it slowly went away and then it exploded in my face all at once.
I had lost my apt., was between living in my car and moving back in with mom (eee-gads), found out I was pregnant and my darling bf split one day while I was at work, was smoking as much mota, among other things, as I could get my hands on, had no real idea where I was going being only 21. Looking back...I guess I was a prime canidate sucker.
Since having a little girl, 9 months ago,a large part of the needs have faded away. I've got a pretty cool husband, most of the time anyway I just have to rid myself of the wt crap that I still think about, which is why I'm here.
is living a good life..... i'm not sure who said it, but is it ever so true.
the jws think that once we leave the "protection" of the wts, we are doomed to wander through life aimlessly and without purpose.
and, maybe i did that for a little while.. but, i have been on a mission to take my life back from those rotten sobs.
Hey Country Guy...
That's awesome!! I'm so proud of you!! I know exactly what you mean, I had been slowly letting myself go healthwise thinking why bother, the new system's around the corner. If nothing's gonna be here in a few months then why bother? I just started eating healthier and doing some exercise and I've lost 7 lbs. as of today. Not much compared to you! But man, I totally understand where you're coming from!!!
i am so hooked on this show!!
when i work til 8 i try to get out early!!
last nites show was great!
Hey yeah, I heard the same thing as Elsewhere.
There's no way they could all be dead or in some crazy afterlife. It would make all us addicted ones feel cheated. They said they wouldn't do that.
I think there is some reason we'll see why all these guys survived and landed on that particular island. How everyone is intertwined and knew someone who knew someone else in their before lives is hard to ignore.
BTW, thanks Daystar for the link about the letters. Veeery Eeenteresting...
this is geared more to you guys who found the truth later in life...unless ya'll can remember those happy times back in the womb.. i've been thinking alot lately about where i was and what i was doing before i became a witness.
granted it was one of the most horrible times of my life, but i could have figured out a better way to deal than become a baptised dub.. i had been planning on hiking the appalachain trail, had some of my gear, plans, etc.
and dropped it for the promise the paradise.
This is geared more to you guys who found the truth later in life...unless ya'll can remember those happy times back in the womb.
I've been thinking alot lately about where I was and what I was doing before I became a witness. Granted it was one of the most horrible times of my life, but I could have figured out a better way to deal than become a baptised dub.
I had been planning on hiking the Appalachain Trail, had some of my gear, plans, etc. and dropped it for the promise the paradise. I had been wanting to hike that sucker since the first time I read about it in a book. I thought about it all the time but there where always bigger and better things to spreading the good news. I even reasoned once...hey, I could still go, I could just witness to everyone I meet along the way, whatever...
Now, it seems like a dream thrown out the window for nothing. I've got obligations that would make it way too difficult to do. Sometimes I wish I could go back and relive everything over again. I know I'd be a better person for it.
I'm curious to know if any of you have felt the same where you wanted to go back and restart your life and did you?
Look at those little suckers...I would ALMOST want to play with em.
i am so hooked on this show!!
when i work til 8 i try to get out early!!
last nites show was great!
Yeah, I'm with missbehave on this one. I think the doors coming down had something to do with the food drop.
To go back a few weeks, what did you guys think of the egyptian letters that came up when Locke almost didn't get the numbers punched in?
i think back at some of the simpler things we couldn't do or have because we were a witness.
i hardly know my father's (worldly) side of the family.
didn't know my grandfather, grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins.
To sum up...a normal life!
how have you dealt, or how are you dealing with the anger, frustration and rightful indignation that you may feel towards the wts or even god for the way it so negatively impacted on your life?
openfireglass's kitten is too cute
I try to think of any good things I did during the time I was in. Try to remember it wasn't all bad. HOWEVER, I still get po'd alot. There is too much I missed or could have done during that time which would make me a happier person now.
I've been more active here lately and I think it seems to help a bit.
i am so hooked on this show!!
when i work til 8 i try to get out early!!
last nites show was great!
Yeah! A Lost thread...
This is one of 2 shows I watch every week. Man last night was so good...I was pretty sure they were gonna dig up the grave, it's something I could see Sayid doing. Poor Henry, I wish he would give them a few answers to what's going on before they kill him. I think it's very possible that Jin had an affair with the hotel guy, you could see they really liked each other and I think he wanted her to stay...but of course we didn't get to see that far.
It's always a good Lost when I'm saying "Oh Sh$$"! And next week's gonna be new too!!!