well im about to go, and most likely u guys will never hear from me again (wich i know is good news for a lot of you) but i just wanted you guys to know that in the end of it all, we are all looking for the same truth and the same God. I wish you all the best of luck in your searches and as for me.... ive already found what i was looking for thanx to Jehovah. But i leave us all with one scripture that we all can agree on. " There is only one Truth, one God and one Faith". and i wish you all the best of luck. I have taken something with me since the time that ive been on this forum (believe it or not) and that is to KEEP AWAKE and not allow myself to fall into a state of drowsyness. As for me..... I KEEP LOOKING TO THE KINGDOM for my reward, and i hope you all do the same. And for those that i have offended, i deeply appologize and hope that you accept my appology, i will admit... i was not prepared for what i stepped into here and lashed out at some of you for what i thought to be out right blasphemy in most cases. This was not my forum, this was not my terroritory nor was it my place to say the things that i said to some of you. Sometimes we can take zeal for what seems to us to be rightuousness and turn it into a whip, and thats what i did to some of you. Pain added to more pain only equals pain, and im sorry if i added to it. Its just that sometimes its hard to watch bible prophecy be full filled amongst our own people, and being one of Jehovahs Wittnessess or even by association we all have the assumption that most of those prophecies are meant for this ungodly system of things which satan holds sway, and not realize that alot of those prophecies are to be fullfilled amongst God's own people. I do not pretend to know everything the Organizaton is doing and i connnot defend them on every course of action, every inerpretation or every public talk that they ( or we) give on our podiums. But what i do know is that in these last days, in these troubeling times hard to deal with, it is better to have some Faith than none at all. If the organization only have crumbs of the truth, its better off than consuming christaindoms toxic waist. I took part in this forum because i know that once im finally baptized ill never have that chance to talk with any of you ever again and so i needed this oppertunity for myself to find out what is going on in my own faith (not to bash or pass judgement upon othere) and some of the things that ive learned from you was dsiturbing to know, but my underlying theme has always been "MY FAITH SUSTAINS ME". and i hope yours do the same for you. fairwell frineds
ps: if Jehovah sees me worthy of intering his new kingdom i hope and pray that i see you there too along the horizon.