Dear Brothers
Observing the dialog between my brother at home and the members of this forum, i must aggree with you that some wording have been harsh. And for that u have my appology, but when you take a closer look at the statements that have been made by tyrone he does not make them in anger or to stir up a perverbial pot, but rather his comments are made in shock and disbelief, that those who have aquainted themselves not only with the watchtower but e-watchman will take advantage of the dire situation that the WTBTS is in conserning Jehovah's judgement. Brothers i beseach you be carefull about your wordings against the WTBTS... against Gods people!! because those who rejoice in the punnishment that Gods people will recieve by means of his strong hand are also bringing a heavier judgement upon themselves. Remember brothers this is not eye for an eye nor is this retribution for this is a sevear loving correction that Jehovah will bring upon his people (WTBTS) Was it not Jehovah himslef that said "I do not take delight in the destruction of the wicked one but i wish all to repent ? So why should you delight in the extream sevearity to come? Yes turn the magnify glass upon yourselves, and i ask you what spirit is it that you bring to this site? Do u share Jehovah's sentiments that not only the WTBTS should attain to true repentance for whatever wrong they are accused of but also everyone who has transgressed against Jehovah (myself included)