u accuse me of being unchistlike, but have you read through the same posts that i have been through? Its funny that you guys come on here and say whatever you want about Jehovah's CHOSEN organization, you mummer just like the ungratefull isrealites did against moses and what was the punishment for that? Jehovah made the whole people of isreal rome arround the desert for 40 yrs untill that whole generation was extinguished. They did not get to see the promise land nor did they get to tast its milk which gives a strong warnning of how Jehovah feels about those who speaks against his representatives. . You come on here and u redicule and downtalk and speak harsh word against the organization (which you call the BoRg) and you have the audacity to correct me for what ever harshness that i may have said defending my GOD and his ORGANIZATION. May Jehovah rebuke you, u never have to worry about any harsh words from me again. was i harsh.... maby, but thats better than standing by and not taking a stand for the truth.