i have started my post with lady lee and waiting for her reply. She seems like a very admirable person for doing so
JoinedPosts by tyrone
did this ever happen to you?
by joanne_ injust wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
Tyrone one on one with Lady Lee
by Lady Lee ini'm going to ask others to sit back.
i don't think it's fair for a group of us to gang up on one person who wants to discuss an issue.. yes it can be done by pm but i think it might be more helpful to be out in the open,.
to continue the conversation .
lady lee
I respect you for comming to the table with me and having this discussion.... please, proceed.
did this ever happen to you?
by joanne_ injust wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
i really do have an honest heatted question for any who would like to answere. Some of you have been in the organization way longer than i ever have, After learning the things that you have learned (through scripture of course) how in the world do u just abandon and turn your back to Jehovah or his ORGANIZATION?? Yes we all have gripes, and we all have valid complaints, but just you all abviously do, how can u just go back to the world and adopt christiandom doctrine???? And we all know what christendom teaches in there doctrines (hellfire, immortality of the soul, support war, all of these gross things and u say that you have found something better?? how so. Even if there was some grave wrong doing done to any of you that does not mean that Jehovah does not use the organization. The organization is a TOOL used by Jehovah just like he used moses as a TOOL to lead his people out of bondage. When the rebellious angels fell from heaven did that mean that Jehovah was wicked because he created them or because they lived in the the same house that he does??? certainly not. Please answere this post, it would be greatly appreciated. Some people have actually went so far as to say that they fell better in Babalon the Great, that they fell like they have become better people because of it. ITS ABSOLUTELY MIND BOGELING
did this ever happen to you?
by joanne_ injust wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
u accuse me of being unchistlike, but have you read through the same posts that i have been through? Its funny that you guys come on here and say whatever you want about Jehovah's CHOSEN organization, you mummer just like the ungratefull isrealites did against moses and what was the punishment for that? Jehovah made the whole people of isreal rome arround the desert for 40 yrs untill that whole generation was extinguished. They did not get to see the promise land nor did they get to tast its milk which gives a strong warnning of how Jehovah feels about those who speaks against his representatives. . You come on here and u redicule and downtalk and speak harsh word against the organization (which you call the BoRg) and you have the audacity to correct me for what ever harshness that i may have said defending my GOD and his ORGANIZATION. May Jehovah rebuke you, u never have to worry about any harsh words from me again. was i harsh.... maby, but thats better than standing by and not taking a stand for the truth.
did this ever happen to you?
by joanne_ injust wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
no i have not been on this site for months and no i have not been disfellowshiped. as a matter of fact im not even baptised yet. i come not on this site to entertain you but for the love that i have for my brothers and sisters who have not completely gone astray (as you obviously have) in some hopes that i may help to rekindle the love that they had for Jehovah. You know if you want to accept this wicked system as all there is to life thats fine with me, as a matter of fact that is your DIVINE RIGHT to do so, but please dont interfear with those who may have some hope of rekindling there relationship with Jehovah
did this ever happen to you?
by joanne_ injust wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
hmmm.... those are very strong words daystar. And whats sad is that i can realy relate to everything that you say. I can relate to the mistreatment, the hurt feelings, the uncompassion that you have talked about, but do u know what it is that sustains me.. it is MY FAITH. Why do u think that Jehovah is going to clean and judge his very own houshold first before he judges the rest of the world? It it because of this very same reason Daystar, because jesus chirst knows that some of his sheep have become scattered by cruel and harsh treatment. "WOE TO THE SHEPARDS WHO ARE DESTROYING THE SHEEP OF MY PASTURAGE! IS THE UTTERANCE OF JEHOVAH. (JERIMAIH 23:1) But when you turn away from Jehovah and adopt APOSTATE ATTITUDES the scriputre says that it would be better if that one have never came to know the truth. Daystar.... where else are we to go?? surely not to the whore of the world. That is the very reason why i say, My FAITH sustains me. My loyalty is not to the WTBS but it is to my GOD AND FATHER. and i try to the best of my ability to hold on to what i have untill he arrives.
did this ever happen to you?
by joanne_ injust wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
what me and my brother was trying to do was find out why so many on this site have turned apostate. we love our brothers and sisters and it hurts extreamly bad to see just one of them stumbled out of the faith by anyone or anything. But rest assured that if this was an abuse of power by one of our edlers or co's jehovah will certain ask that blood back from thei hands. satan is the real culprit at work though. he knows that he will never be able to rule mankind and so he's working hard to see that jehovah doesnt either and trying to get everyone to turn against the true god and his son jesus christ by playing on hurt and bitter feelings of the weak.
did this ever happen to you?
by joanne_ injust wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
thats pretty kool, i think I.T is my first love, i ve been doing it for years. im currently working on my MCSE but NETWORK+ is what i really want. Hey any knowlege that u have pass it this way it would be really aprreciated. Thanx!!
did this ever happen to you?
by joanne_ injust wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
I fully support a higher education and im currently going to school to become a COMPUTER NETWORK TECHNICAIN. I have two more years left untill i graduate and persue my carreer. why do u ask?
did this ever happen to you?
by joanne_ injust wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
Tyrone and Brother
Its obvious to me that some of you are innocent victims of those who may have had responsibility and oversite of the congregation. Your experience and awfull recollection of what happened to you, stumbeld you out of the organization, and for that we are terribaly sorry. Jesus christ said that those who stumble the little ones, it would be better off if a mill stone was tied arround his neck and thrown into the sea. However that does not negate your responsibility to continue to support and uphold the truth as Jehovah has made it known. Your stubberness fueled by your hatred tword the christian congregation has moved you to take a path in wich you cannot turn away from... namely APOSTATCY. This plea goes out to those who merely observe and yet remain silent, for those who have not made a decision as to weather they will remain in GODS Organization or use there bitter experiences as fuel to work against it. To these ones we make this plea, maintain what you have, hold on untill the daystar rises, for those who do so will be truely rewarded and our LORD the MASTER will make right the wrong wich has been done to you. We are now living in the last breath of this wicked system of things, you feel it when u wake up every mourning the sickness that hangs in the air, this is a wittness to you that your deliverance is near. I Beg you to turn away from those who wish nothing more than to see you perish along with them and there own evilness. Do not be apart of the generation described in peter 3:3 "For you know this first,for in the last days there will come ridiculers with there ridicule, proceeding to there own desires and saying "where is this promised presence of his? Why from the day of our forefathers fell asleep in death all things are continuing exactly as from creations begginning" And then that day be suddenly upon you. Further more donot become part of the throngs of people that the Apostal Paul warned about " those who in the last days exchange the truth of GODS word for the lie. Jehovah put the same choice before us that he put before his ancient people, "I PUT LIFE AND DEATH BEFORE YOU, YOU MUST CHOOSE LIFE THAT YOU MAY CONTINUE LIVING, YOU AND YOUR OFFSPRING." (DEU 30:19) Because the truth is brothers, when that fear and inspiring day comes, you will not have those in this chatroom nor this forum to stand with you. WE will have to render our own account before GOD.