Oh...let's see.
I got depression from my mother. Mental illness features prevalently on her side of the family. We're talking clinical depression, schizophrenia, manic depression. You name it...well I've got aunts and uncles that will one up you just because it's a personal matter of pride for them. ;)
I got GERD from mom and dad. Yeah me!
My mother has diabetes, high blood pressure, arrythmia, high cholesterol...all of this leading from Empty Sella Syndrome (damaged pituitary gland.) All of her glands are malfunctioning...however, thank Bob, that doesn't seem to be a genetic issue that would pass down to future generations. :) My mother's dad died from a massive heart attack and he had raging diabetes. My mother's mom has blood clots pretty bad and has lost about 2 feet of intestines from them. weeeee. :)
I however at 27 have a cholesterol count of 240. I take martial arts, so that means exercising 3 days a week for 1.5 hours at a time. I don't eat the best, but I don't eat meat(in general other than fish ie. salmon), I drink soy, don't eat dairy other than cheese, because cheese is the most divine milk product. Anyhoo...before I go off on a HUGE tangent...I am probably an excellent candidate for yet more drugs! WOOHOO!
My dad's side? A lot of them stroke. My dad's lost a sister to stroke, and an older sister has had 3 already. His father died of brown lung disease from working in the steel mills in pitts. His mother died from I'm guessing broken heart.
So...we're fine here. We're all fine. How are you?