Desi you should know, around here that IS a hobby!! Ever watch Ricki Lake??
HAHAHAHA! Yup, welcome to nyc! We guys get the same problem too. It just used to be less prevalent among women. BACKKKK in the days, LOL! You ever have that problem here?
here's something that happens that i find strange with women, no offence.
i was out with a female friend.
we're just friends and nothing more but to anyone else who saw us we would have looked like a couple.
Desi you should know, around here that IS a hobby!! Ever watch Ricki Lake??
HAHAHAHA! Yup, welcome to nyc! We guys get the same problem too. It just used to be less prevalent among women. BACKKKK in the days, LOL! You ever have that problem here?
here's something that happens that i find strange with women, no offence.
i was out with a female friend.
we're just friends and nothing more but to anyone else who saw us we would have looked like a couple.
My question is - why did your friend (girl) get irritated if she truly has no interest in you other then a friend. When I am with my guy friends that are only friends - I help them get numbers from girls if they are interested in a certain one. Hmmmm....
Lol. Good point.
But she's had problems in the past with other women trying to take her men so it could just be old wounds having a nerve struck. I assume that's the reason.
here's something that happens that i find strange with women, no offence.
i was out with a female friend.
we're just friends and nothing more but to anyone else who saw us we would have looked like a couple.
My question is a sincere question. I'd like to have a million dollars for every time I've heard a guy say, "She wants me." because a woman happened to be looking in his general direction.
Yes I agree most men do think that way.
Did you look behind you? Maybe there was a TV behind you, or another man.
Your turn; reread what I wrote (smiles). The girl I was with was upsetted by women looking at me. i'll give more detailShe was upset because she noticed them looking at me. We discussed it. She has it happen alot on dates, etc. I tried to ignore them so she wouldn't feel bad. . It was disrespectful toward her and I agree. Not a floating tv set that wasn't there behind my back that they were peeping, not lesbians looking at her while my stupid overgrown male ego assumed they were looking at me, etc, lol! I'm not the typical egotistical kind of guy that assumes that just because a woman looks it means "she's into me." I'm humble. Far from full of myself. The majority of the time that a woman looks at me it's nothing more than a glance, a look, or a regular smile.
. I'm not saying that women don't do this to you, but the fact that they aren't looking when you are alone should tell you something.
That was my point exactly. Add on the fact that nearly every male I know has the same experience and you see there's something going on.
. And then maybe those women are playing a game, trying to see if they can get men who they think or married or on dates to look at them, for varying reasons. One could be they like the man, another could be they just like attention and attention from an attached man is a higher score.
I can't speak about the area your from. Here in the USA among the younger age groups women try to steal each others men like it was a hobby. That's no exaggeration. There's a huge amount of hostile competition between women sexually. It's really stupid. And thus my question as to why women do this. This post wasn't about "hey these women keep looking at me!" The purpose is the question I asked. The question comes from the events of the night which happen to center around a common experience of women doing this. IMO it's uncalled for and disrespectful hostility/competition between women.
Hell most men couldn't care less that a woman's feelings get hurt by that (some women anyway) and like it. I'm not kidding at all. I see a lot of guys brag about it. I like attention from women as much as anyone does but not at the expense of a friend or girlfriend's feelings.
here's something that happens that i find strange with women, no offence.
i was out with a female friend.
we're just friends and nothing more but to anyone else who saw us we would have looked like a couple.
Why do a lot of men assume that any woman who looks at them or smiles at them is interested in them as a possible lover? This is assumption is very amusing, yet also annoying as hell.
I don't assume that whenever a woman looks or smiles she's interested. Now your the one who is assuming. Under normal circumstances I don't get as many looks from women. But go out with a woman and that changes. If you reread the whole thread you'll see that this is a common experience. Your projecting your own assumptions onto this.
I don't mind at all a friendly smile or friendly looks. This was not. I'm aware of the difference despite your assumptions otherwise.
here's something that happens that i find strange with women, no offence.
i was out with a female friend.
we're just friends and nothing more but to anyone else who saw us we would have looked like a couple.
The women are gay or bisexual and are looking at your friend, not you.
Umm, no, LOL! I have seen women looking at her though and I do know the difference.
I'ts hard to explain by post. Just one quick example we're sitting at an event, she's on my right. To the right of her are two females. When she's turned toward me one keeps staring, and I mean long deep stare, right into my eyes. Hard to explain but from that angle she couldn't look at my friend's face. And she keeps doing this through the night. My friend caught it eventually and gave her a long stare at one point.
Believe me this is more common than you may know. I have seen women who don't even notice that other women do this. My friend is very aware and does catch it. I may misjudge it but if I were on the receiving end I wouldn't appreciate it. I can't say it happens as much with women I date. Meaning I see men sometimes look at a girlfriend but they'll stop or it's a more normal quick thing.
here's something that happens that i find strange with women, no offence.
i was out with a female friend.
we're just friends and nothing more but to anyone else who saw us we would have looked like a couple.
Satanus said
Um, because they are animals?
Hehe, you always make funny posts.
Jgnat said
They were looking at her dress.
Ummm, wasn't her dress th were looking at. And I wasn't wearing one, lol
Kid-a said
It is odd, I mean, as a guy, if I saw a girl was with some dude, I completely lost interest and looked the other way.
That's how I feel. It's a matter of respect. Women don't seem to respect each others "territory" as much.
I don't like to see someone i'm with getting upset or they're feelings hurt which is why it bothered me. If I had been alone or with a friend who didn't take it personal then I wouldn't have minded. But I think they should have respected her.
Lonelysheep said
Because your cute. Either way, though, it would've been polite to direct their eyes away after one look.
Ok, your making me blush, lol, i'm shy. Thanks for the compliment. I don't think it has alot to do with someone being attractive. I've heard the same from people who weren't so hot in the looks department.
Misanthropic said
It works with married guys too, whenever I'm out with my husband he gets scoped out by lots of women, and claims it never happens when he is out by himself.
I hear that from married guys too. You seem to take it better than most though which is good.
Does this happen to the women too? Any of you have this happen when your with a husband/boyfriend or just a friend? I tend to repect that line so i'm kind of curious if other guys do that to women as much. I was assuming not.
the jws always try to frighten their members by telling them that disobedience can open them up to demonic attack and we know this is nothing but a mind game to keep them in subjection.
however it is claimed that certain occultists are paid by resentful people to cast spells against those that they hate eg to ruin their families, businesses or make them ill or depressed.
these occultists are people co operating with demons channelling their destructive energies through black magic against fellow humans.
At my most vulnerable point in life, in the couple months before I started studying, I thought I was a victim. I felt like because of my past mistakes, my west indian mother in law cast something on me.
I'm half cuban and that stuff is in my cultural backround too. I think it's nothing to worry about unless you believe in it. What kind of things do they do in the west indies like this? I'm not familiar with thier religions.
the wts refers a lot to "spiritual balance".
"keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons .
because the days are wicked.
I think spiritual balance is achieved by not being a witness ;-)
i was browsing around the site in response to another poster and suddenly found parts of the site funny - sad, but funny.
this act symbolizes one's dedication to god and is taken by those of responsible age who have made an informed decision...organization.
Whatever happened to "thou shalt not lie."
I guess I shouldn't be surprised at a marketing gimick like that.
here's something that happens that i find strange with women, no offence.
i was out with a female friend.
we're just friends and nothing more but to anyone else who saw us we would have looked like a couple.
Here's something that happens that I find strange with women, no offence. I was out with a female friend. We're just friends and nothing more but to anyone else who saw us we would have looked like a couple. No women were looking at me untill I met met up with her. All of a sudden I have a bunch of girls looking, and I mean not just a quick glance. This kept going on the whole night.
I know it bothered my friend even though were not together because they would have thought we were. I think it's really disrespectful. And i'm not the only guy I know who has this experience and it's not the only night it's happened. So why do women do this?