Why do women do this???

by dezpbem 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • dezpbem

    Here's something that happens that I find strange with women, no offence. I was out with a female friend. We're just friends and nothing more but to anyone else who saw us we would have looked like a couple. No women were looking at me untill I met met up with her. All of a sudden I have a bunch of girls looking, and I mean not just a quick glance. This kept going on the whole night.

    I know it bothered my friend even though were not together because they would have thought we were. I think it's really disrespectful. And i'm not the only guy I know who has this experience and it's not the only night it's happened. So why do women do this?

  • Satanus

    Um, because they are animals?


  • jgnat

    They were looking at her dress. A lot more women chat up my gregarious hubby now that he's attached. I chalk it up to relief that there can be no undercurrents.

  • kid-A

    I am familiar with this phenomenon from my old bachelor days! It is odd, I mean, as a guy, if I saw a girl was with some dude, I completely lost interest and looked the other way.

    I think most guys (except the drunken louts!) have an instinctual respect for territorial boundaries in this sort of situation. Women seem to enjoy competing with each other more than guys.

  • lonelysheep

    Because your cute. Either way, though, it would've been polite to direct their eyes away after one look. I agree w/Kid-A.

  • misanthropic

    LOL yeah this seems to be a normal thing. It works with married guys too, whenever I'm out with my husband he gets scoped out by lots of women, and claims it never happens when he is out by himself.

    I think it's pretty amusing.

  • dezpbem

    Satanus said

    Um, because they are animals?

    Hehe, you always make funny posts.

    Jgnat said

    They were looking at her dress.

    Ummm, wasn't her dress th were looking at. And I wasn't wearing one, lol

    Kid-a said

    It is odd, I mean, as a guy, if I saw a girl was with some dude, I completely lost interest and looked the other way.

    That's how I feel. It's a matter of respect. Women don't seem to respect each others "territory" as much.

    I don't like to see someone i'm with getting upset or they're feelings hurt which is why it bothered me. If I had been alone or with a friend who didn't take it personal then I wouldn't have minded. But I think they should have respected her.

    Lonelysheep said

    Because your cute. Either way, though, it would've been polite to direct their eyes away after one look.

    Ok, your making me blush, lol, i'm shy. Thanks for the compliment. I don't think it has alot to do with someone being attractive. I've heard the same from people who weren't so hot in the looks department.

    Misanthropic said

    It works with married guys too, whenever I'm out with my husband he gets scoped out by lots of women, and claims it never happens when he is out by himself.

    I hear that from married guys too. You seem to take it better than most though which is good.

    Does this happen to the women too? Any of you have this happen when your with a husband/boyfriend or just a friend? I tend to repect that line so i'm kind of curious if other guys do that to women as much. I was assuming not.

  • FlyingHighNow

    The women are gay or bisexual and are looking at your friend, not you.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I have a question, too. Why do a lot of men assume that any woman who looks at them or smiles at them is interested in them as a possible lover? This is assumption is very amusing, yet also annoying as hell.

  • stillajwexelder

    Why do a lot of men assume that any woman who looks at them or smiles at them is interested in them as a possible lover? This is assumption is very amusing, yet also annoying as hell.

    I am sure it is as annoying as hell. Let me assure you I do not do it. I love it when people -men as well as women smile at you - it makes the world a friendlier place, and that has to be good. I like it when a women talks to me on an aeroplane. I do NOT assumke she wants to take me to bed - she just is being friendly and wants the aeroplane journey to pass a little quicker. However, I know that some men take this as the women is interested in them sexually - sorry, that is the way the male of the species sometimes is. Just laugh - as you obviously do as you say you find the assumption very amusing

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