Satanus said
Um, because they are animals?
Hehe, you always make funny posts.
Jgnat said
They were looking at her dress.
Ummm, wasn't her dress th were looking at. And I wasn't wearing one, lol
Kid-a said
It is odd, I mean, as a guy, if I saw a girl was with some dude, I completely lost interest and looked the other way.
That's how I feel. It's a matter of respect. Women don't seem to respect each others "territory" as much.
I don't like to see someone i'm with getting upset or they're feelings hurt which is why it bothered me. If I had been alone or with a friend who didn't take it personal then I wouldn't have minded. But I think they should have respected her.
Lonelysheep said
Because your cute. Either way, though, it would've been polite to direct their eyes away after one look.
Ok, your making me blush, lol, i'm shy. Thanks for the compliment. I don't think it has alot to do with someone being attractive. I've heard the same from people who weren't so hot in the looks department.
Misanthropic said
It works with married guys too, whenever I'm out with my husband he gets scoped out by lots of women, and claims it never happens when he is out by himself.
I hear that from married guys too. You seem to take it better than most though which is good.
Does this happen to the women too? Any of you have this happen when your with a husband/boyfriend or just a friend? I tend to repect that line so i'm kind of curious if other guys do that to women as much. I was assuming not.