You asked about books to read to help you through. I'll give a few to research.
Franz books would be great because he was on the inside at bethel and knew what was really going on.
Those will be an eye opener for you.
I agree with enigma with regard to studying other religions. Studying other religions show you that you were fed lies about them.
You come to see that they aren't evil as you were led to believe.
Also I recommend study of nlp. In specific the meta-model.
If you understand the meta-model you understand why different people see the world differently. You'll understand why a buddhist see the world
the way he sees it. You'll understand why a christian feels the way he does. You'll know why a catholic believes in the trinity and a jw doesn't.
Also why an atheist knows what he "knows". From there you see that jw's are just taught a model that gets poor results.
But the meta-model is hard to learn through books. You would have to study many nlp books to really "get it". Well worth the effort because you'll
understand almost everyone if you really do get it.
Finally i'd recommend study of the enneagram personality type # 1 the perfectionist. Not only do people act through personality types but
organizations do as well. You'll see that the Borg-Org (as I like to call them) are nothing more than a perfectionist personality type trying to
convert everyone to their personality type and "worldview" or model of interpretation. Perfectionists go through life trying to force a set of rules
that exist in their minds onto the external world and others. The model they think with in their heads is "perfect" (at least in their mind it is)
and never matches reality. They see the world in black and white. Their dillema in life stems from their internal thinking not matching reality
and their need to convert the world outside of their mind into this false model. If you understand the difference between a "healthy" pefectionist and
an "unhealthy" one you will soon see just how crazed the jw Borg-Org is. I recommend reading books on the enneagram by Don Richard Russo and Russ Hudson (they author
together) and also by Thomas Condon.
I'm sure there is alot more you could read but I thought i'd give you a few places others might not think to look.