Sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience! I think that the situation was absolutely terrible - it reminds me of getting ganged up on by kids back in grade school. The feelings you go through when cornered and attacked like that are not easy - I think you did as well as you could in responding.
I consider myself a Christian, but I would never attack another person's faith like that. One of my good friends is Wiccan and although she doesn't talk about it much, I wouldn't mind if she did. Frankly, I'm curious.
But my husband is a bit phobic about the whole thing - he was raised by a Bible-thumper and terrified with stories of crazy people worshipping the devil. He hates Halloween in large part due to those old stories that have stayed with him. And he wasn't even raised JW!
So I guess to sum this post up...I'm sorry it happened. Try to shake it off when you can. There will always be people like that woman. I hope that changes one day and that everyone can find their own way without being "burned at the stake" - but humans being human - we're all going to have to deal with prejudice in some form or another during the course of our lives. Which really sucks!