(77) you are the son of the most high, forgive yourself, you done nothing wrong.
i have studied with JW's and have not been to a meeting since feb 05. I worked as a private investigator for 10 yrs before studying so had a good idea of how to find the truth. my problems really began when i was working for a client on a surveillance job when i discovered an elder in my congo was having an affair. when the elder found out that i knew, he destroyed my character within the congo and loads of stories went around about me, some of them true, (I wasn't always a good boy) some not. it was the lies that upset me, they way my past was broadcast to the world at a time i had turned around, i felt like slapping the guy!!! I know of a lot of people who knows what this guy is doing but noone will do anything about it. I know i can look my maker in the eye and say 'i always took your side and stuck to you even when "your people" let me down.'
I still pray, i love my god, i will always do my best to do the right thing, though it is hard when i see the guy lording it over every one, Jah is watching and vegence will be swift, i belive that and it makes me feel quiet happy to let them get on with it.