I can remember the "good old days" of food service at the conventions. The lucky volunteers got to leave the morning session early, though they did pay for that privelege by having to show up way before everyone else did. I made the coffee.
The "simplification" (pronounced "stupidity") came after I was fired. What a wonderful arrangement from Jehovah! Listen to what was in last month's Watchtower, and what will be in another Watchtower as soon as the Convention season is over, on an empty stomach. I know I'm always at my best when I'm hungry.
Back when I was in Jehovah's Food Service (tm) they piped the program into the kitchen area so we wouldn't miss out. That's how I learned to ignore whatever I hear on a loudspeaker and why I will probably die from a natural disaster. Thanks, JW's! Then again, I was one of the ones who left my seat during that last skit of the morning session, the one where the teenager is being beaten with the old Aid book for having a KISS cd, and felt cool because the 6,000 people not paying attention were looking at me with envy for having an excuse to get up and leave.
Next "simplification": bathrooms will be locked and guarded during sessions by attendants holding "wait for Jehovah!" signs.