I had a little too much fun on my birthday....I don't feel so good this afternoon, however...It was so fun!!!
JoinedPosts by ConnieLynn
by zanex inits my birthday friday!
i have a bunch of "worldly" friends that i really care about and they are all planning on taking me out but i hesitate...i just only recently within the last 2 years started taking active interest in my birthday so i only have a minimal idea of what to feel...i know i will go out and get trashed and plastered but i want to know what it feels like...i dont know if this post makes any sense haha i think i'm gonna just drink myself into a nice stupor and pass out somewhere hahaha...any tips or advice from anybody here?
Disturbing material in May 15, 2002 Watchtower
by spender inin the questions from readers section, the question was: "would it be advisable for a true christian to attend a funeral or a wedding in a church?".
to analyze this wonderful piece, i'm going to use their words, and translate them into real english.. "being in a group where everyone else is engaging in a false religious act, a christian may find it difficult to resist the pressure to join in.
how unwise to expose oneself to such pressure!".
That makes me so mad!! The words say "Just have a clean conscience before God and MEN" but I hear "If you go, feel guilty about it" I couldn't stand that when I was there and it makes me mad still! They throw that conscience word out so loosely. What about respect for the person who died and their family...comforting those people. And who are the folks asking these questions? What readers are writing and asking this stuff?
JW's and Marriage
by Xena ini am wondering how many jw's stay in a marriage because they have to?
i mean i know there are happy marriages out there (somewhere i am sure), but i have run across several jw wives who are just waiting on their significant other to commet "the act" so they can divorce them and move on with their lives.. divorce has become less of a taboo thing in the org, but it is still frowned upon and people that do divorce, even on the scriptural grounds, are somewhat stigmatized.
so i guess my question is what do you think the divorce rate would be if jw's could get divorced for any grounds with no repercussions?
Most witnesses I knew got married right out of high school.I was married to an elder (I got married before I was 18 to a guy age 28)...I would have left earlier than I did, but I didn't know what I would do.
That is so sad for people raised as a witness. You're whole support network is made up of witnesses, so you don't dare tell someone how you "REALLY" feel. And if you did leave, where would you go, what would you do?. No witness in good standing would let you stay with them.
In addition, since you have never dated without a chaperone, you intimidated around other men, and get nervous if they look at you. It's a set up so you think you can't leave.
What is your favorite color?
by myself inoops sounds like another site some have talked about.
must have been the years of brainwashing.
* slaps the side of her head -out, out, out !!!
I like dark hair on a man, I don't mind bald though. But I love a goatee or beard..any color
GOSSIP In the Kingdom Hall
by Sunflower1982 inthe overwhelming amount of gossip that circulated through my kingdom hall was a major factor in my decision to stop attending meetings.
every meeting, every day of field service, and every gathering was plagued with vicious rumors that people told to keep themselves entertained.
surprisingly, the pioneers and elder's wives were the worst of everyone.
Sunflower - ugh! is all I can say. It is so true! I was a pioneer myself for a long time, and you are right, car groups for service were usually full of the latest gossip. I know I participated at one point in my life. I feel bad about that. The gossip was just nasty stuff about people, especially people who weren't out in field service or had missed a few meetings. Very self righteous talk. One MS who was also a pioneer was the worst one in our hall..surprisingly (setting an example). It made my stomach hurt, especially when I had started checking out (mentally) and knew I didn't want to be in service etc...
What else do witneeses have to entertain themselves??? Not much!
by zanex inits my birthday friday!
i have a bunch of "worldly" friends that i really care about and they are all planning on taking me out but i hesitate...i just only recently within the last 2 years started taking active interest in my birthday so i only have a minimal idea of what to feel...i know i will go out and get trashed and plastered but i want to know what it feels like...i dont know if this post makes any sense haha i think i'm gonna just drink myself into a nice stupor and pass out somewhere hahaha...any tips or advice from anybody here?
Thank you! That's my best birthday present ever!
by zanex inits my birthday friday!
i have a bunch of "worldly" friends that i really care about and they are all planning on taking me out but i hesitate...i just only recently within the last 2 years started taking active interest in my birthday so i only have a minimal idea of what to feel...i know i will go out and get trashed and plastered but i want to know what it feels like...i dont know if this post makes any sense haha i think i'm gonna just drink myself into a nice stupor and pass out somewhere hahaha...any tips or advice from anybody here?
Most of you are Ex-JW's so maybe you will understand this....Okay, I posted yesterday that today would be my birthday..well here it is. This is my 3rd birthday I have celebrated and every year I feel blue about the exact same thing, Tell me I am being silly. It really bugs me that my worldly friends have all this family that calls them and says Happy BD and they get cards that they post all over there desk and file cabinets. My family doesn't call ( big surprise) and I want my mom or dad to call me so bad and acknowlege that I was the first born and today, many years ago, I changed their life. It will never happen. I seriously doubt that my sisters even remember since they barely know thier own birthdays. Do this make any sense to anybody out there?
by zanex inits my birthday friday!
i have a bunch of "worldly" friends that i really care about and they are all planning on taking me out but i hesitate...i just only recently within the last 2 years started taking active interest in my birthday so i only have a minimal idea of what to feel...i know i will go out and get trashed and plastered but i want to know what it feels like...i dont know if this post makes any sense haha i think i'm gonna just drink myself into a nice stupor and pass out somewhere hahaha...any tips or advice from anybody here?
Very Cool Zanex! Happy Birthday. My birthday is tomorrow! I intend to celebrate guilt free...you should do the same! Have fun and be safe!
[jahchristian] SPECIAL ALERT!
by ConnieLynn ini just received this email..... special alert!
: this is an emergency request for help from shunned .
father in calgary, canada (actual name withheld due to court ruling), .
I just received this email....
SPECIAL ALERT!: This is an Emergency Request for help from Shunned
Father in Calgary, Canada (actual name withheld due to court ruling),
which please forward to your own egroups, post on websites. He now states
that he prefers you contact the person mentioned below at her given
phone number now:"The JW lawyers have had my lawyer in court almost every day and they
know that I do not have the money to continue this fight. Two
workmates set up a trust fund to help defray the cost of legal fees
and any money left over would be given to the Childrens Hospital.
Maggie Branton is one of those persons and she is a Notary. To verify
this you can contact her at (403)262-5511. I have no access to this
fund. The papers are afraid to advertize it because they have been
threatened to be sued by the JWO. Would you be able to help me tell
about the fund? Also if anyone wants to mail me a card or letter.Cheques can be made out to " SAVE MY DAUGHTER "
Mail can be made out to " SHUNNED FATHER "
P.O. Box 20161, Calgary Place R.P.O.,
Calgary Alberta T2P 4J2 -
I'm addicted!!!
by Billygoat ini'm supposed to be working, but can't seem to get away from this freakin' board!!!
can anyone help me or give advice as to how they limit their time here.
i do really well when i'm out of the office meeting with clients, but when i'm at my desk i'm a lost cause.. simon, i can't get enough of your place!!!
Am I too new to be addicted???? I feel addicted, I open the board first thing when I get to work. I check it every hour or so,what will happen to me when I'm not a newbie anymore? Maybe it's too late for me already.