I've just got off the phone with my mother. She related a story to me regarding a child abuser who was in her congregation, the child abuser had to appear in court and guess what? All the elders rallied around the abuser so the verdict was non proven!
This seams to be a systematic problem across the board the guilty party gets all the support whilst the innocent victim is told to shut up and stop causing trouble! We have to be mindful that most abusers are usually sociopathic narcissists who very good at playing people. They are very adept at playing the victim convincingly and have a knack at being in the right place at the right time. In other words, say a victim decides to quite rightly retaliate, you can be damb sure the abuser will have others within earshot so that the victim then looks and sounds like the abuser! This then gives the impression the victim is a trouble maker. Not only that, even approaching the elders on someone's bad behaviour can have the victim be labeled as a trouble maker. For the innocent party it's a lose lose situation which leaves the innocent party questioning themselves :(