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Geoffrey Jackson - Royal Commission Live Hearing Now!
by LostinJapan in.,-july-2015,-sydney.
The commission had the best experts on their side. Us exJW's. We ALL know more about this cult than even the GB I think haha. -
Geoffrey Jackson - Royal Commission Live Hearing Now!
by LostinJapan in.,-july-2015,-sydney.
Jackson is a cult leader...Cult leader+sociopath=no empathy! -
Interview with Zimbabwe's Minister of Tourism at JW HQ
by OrphanCrow inzimbabwe has been under the rule of a dictator since 1980. robert mugabe, the president of zimbabwe, is notorious for his ruthless ways of dealing with the problems of a post-colonial country.
his land reforms resulted in much economic hardship for the people of zimbabwe and anyone who was a white farmer in zimbabwe suffered dire consequences as a result of mugabe's land grabs post-2000.
the atrocities against the people of zimbabwe have been documented by cathy buckle and i have personally heard of the violence against those opposed to mugawbe's policies.. some comments from a 2003 article about robert mugabe:.
Dictatorships hand in hand with many things in common. One being money and corruption, another having self appointed leader(s). -
Yes!!! We will see Jackson's face!
by OrphanCrow ini emailed mr. stewart about jackson's testimony, asking if the video link would be visible to the public.. this was his prompt reply:.
thank you dianne for your interest.
the it people tell me that mr jackson will be on the screen for all to see and hear.regardsangus stewart.
OMG!!! does this mean that it's not going to be the pope addressing the UN in September, That it could be Jackson, bring on the new world order lol. -
OK folks the End is near. Sodom and Gomorrah.
by James Mixon inthe reality show "dating naked".
so the young lady said to the guy when they.
first met, wow must you look straight at my you know what.. are they running out of ideas for reality shows????.
I've never watched reality shows they bore me! car crash tv at its best. -
Need the hardest evidence possible that humans have lived for more than 6000 years
by ILoveTTATT2 insince coming out of the witnesses, i have gone through a transformation in thought and in mind.
i started with the usual: i thought that jesus was god.
then i investigated more about the bible and thought that the bible was not true, given the many contradictions, failed prophecies, etc.. then i investigated evolution and read lots and now i accept evolution and natural selection as things that are true.. now, i need to make my dad rethink everything.
Something I found out yesterday. You know the bit of your eye called the cuticle. Apparently that bit of skin actually served a purpose at one time. It used to be a third eyelid! Does that mean we evolved from some sort of lizard species?
If so, that could prove that we are definitely more that 6000 years old.
Also the totally useless body organ that is called the appendix did have a purpose at one time. It was a crucial organ to break down vegetation, meaning there was a time we only ate vegetation. Meat is something that obviously introduced to our diet many centuries ago! Oh and it wasn't god commanding Noah that he could eat meat because the flood had swept away all the vegetation, there are a great many edible vegetation found in water!
The flood could never have happened. For one, the sanitation levels would have been to much to bare and would more than likely kill every living thing on board what was essentially a box!
And, where did all the water drain too, and how did kangaroos hop all the way to Australia? This is just one species in many that are unique to a particular continent. Did just two kangaroos hear god - the great doctor dolittle calling them to hop all the way to a middle eastern land to catch a boat?!
Yes!!! We will see Jackson's face!
by OrphanCrow ini emailed mr. stewart about jackson's testimony, asking if the video link would be visible to the public.. this was his prompt reply:.
thank you dianne for your interest.
the it people tell me that mr jackson will be on the screen for all to see and hear.regardsangus stewart.
There have been many many people sending loads of material for the Royal Commission to ponder over too ;) I do hope Angus Stewart is well aware of the heavy coaching that Jackson would have received. -
If Jackson, When?
by kairos inlet's pretend jackson actually takes the stand to be potentially interrogated all week.
when would be the soonest we could see this?.
i'm hoping with all my might that he does and ttatt goes global....
We should all join in and watch the live stream and we should also set up a Google conference call so we can gauge our reactions. That would be a youtube classic lol ;) -
Will his holiness Jehovha Jackson appear before the ARC?
by punkofnice inyes or no.......what say you?.
i'll start - no!.
I'm going to say yes but I'm going to take a leaf out of the watchtower and say I didn't say yes it was the servers run by satan that changed my comment if he yellah bellies!
Theocratic Warfare
by stuckinarut2 inno doubt we noticed the royal commission ask vin toole (and i think terry o'brien) about the expression "theocratic warfare"?.
they were asked to explain it and what is meant to witnesses.. vin outrightly lied when he said he "had never heard of that expression!".
i remember him using that term in conversations and talks many times!!
There is one bang up to date reference to this too. It was mentioned by a speaker at the 2015 imitation Christ regional. I will try to look out for the clip but I can tell you it is one of WIFI bandits edited videos of the regional assembly.